Германские языки | Филологический аспект №05 (85) Май 2022

УДК 81-139

Дата публикации 31.05.2022

Использование скороговорок в формировании фонетических навыков при изучении английского языка

Алиева Адиля Рустамовна
Магистр филол. обр, старший преподаватель кафедры лингвистики, Кыргызский государственный университет им.И.Арабаева, КР, г.Бишкек, alievaadilya875@gmail.com
Дылдаева Эльзат Каныбековна
Магистр филол. обр, старший преподаватель кафедры лингвистики, Кыргызский государственный университет им.И.Арабаева, КР, г.Бишкек, elzat.kanybekovna87@gmail.com

Аннотация: В данной статье автором описывается важность произносительных навыков. Основное внимание в работе автор акцентирует на использование эффективных артикуляционных гимнастик помогающие улучшить произносительные навыки учащихся в процессе обучения. Научная новизна заключается в том, что в данной работе отобраны, а так же усовершенствованы артикуляционные зарядки, которые способствуют улучшению произношения иноязычной речи. Целью данной статьи является поэтапное рассмотрение стадии презентации фонетических зарядок в обучении иностранному языку, а так же использование артикуляционных гимнастик.
Ключевые слова: произношение, фонетическая зарядка, артикуляционная гимнастика, механически.

The use of tongue twisters as a component of the formation of phonetic competence of learning English

Alieva Adilya Rustamovna
Master of Philological Education of Linguistics department, senior lecturer I.Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
Dyldaeva Elzat Kanybekovna
Master of Philological Education of Linguistics department, senior lecturer I.Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Abstract: In this article, the author describes the importance of pronouncing skills. The author focuses on the use of effective articulation exercises that help improve the pronunciation skills of students in the learning process. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in this work articulation exercises have been selected and improved, which contribute to improving the pronunciation of foreign language speech. The purpose of this article is a step-by-step consideration of the presentation stage of phonetic exercises in teaching a foreign language, as well as the use of articulation exercises.
Keywords: pronunciation, phonetic exercises, articulation exercises, mechanical.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Алиева А.Р., Дылдаева Э.К. The use of tongue twisters as a component of the formation of phonetic competence of learning English // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. 2022. № 05 (85). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/philology/articles/ispolzovanie-skorogovorok-v-formirovanii-foneticheskikh-navykov-pri-izuchenii-anglijskogo-yazyka.html (Дата обращения: 31.05.2022 г.)

Good pronunciation leads to learning while bad pronunciation promotes to great difficulties in language learning.

 Pourhosein G.A. [5,p.119].    


As modern research shows, pronunciation is the main characteristic of foreign language, speech, the basis for the development and improvement of all types of speech activity. In its spoken form language functions as the most important means of human communication [1,c.9].  The effectiveness of pronunciation is largely determined by success in mastering oral speech. To date, pronunciation is one of the important elements of the speech culture as well as the general human culture. It is known that large deviations from the norms of pronunciation lead to misunderstanding of the interlocutor's speech, cause violations of the process of oral exchange of thoughts. One of the most important conditions for communication is the development of listening skills, that is, the ability to correctly associate an audible sound with its corresponding meaning and make sounds corresponding to certain values.

As modern research shows, to master a foreign language means to master not only the vocabulary and grammar of a given language, but also the correct pronunciation. This contributes to the understanding of oral foreign speech and makes one's own speech accessible to others [3,p.336]. It follows that pronunciation is a basic characteristic of speech, the basis for the development and improvement of all other skills of speaking in a foreign language, since violation of phonemic correctness of speech, incorrect intonation by its carrier leads to misunderstanding on the part of the listener, this is the relevance of the scientific article.  The practical significance of this article lies in the fact that the considered material, as well as the practical part of the study, can be used by English language teachers in order to form pronunciation skills.       So, this article is devoted to the importance of pronunciation skills. And we believe that the most effective way is to learn pronunciation using tongue twisters, which means that phonetic charging is a subject of study. The topic of using tongue twisters in teaching a foreign language was covered in the works of Soviet and foreign authors such as: M.A .Sokolova, [6,p.45], V.M. Filatov, [2,p.20]. We would especially like to mention the works of I.L.Bim., who believes that tongue twisters help to correctly reproduce the intonation of the language being studied, to develop the articulation base. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that in this work we have selected some of the most effective articulation exercises that contribute to the productive reproduction of sounds that have been tested in English lessons during pedagogical practice. The purpose of this work is to study the role and place of tongue twisters in teaching the phonetic side of speech.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the goals, objectives and technology of pronunciation training.;

2. Consider some articulation exercises for teaching phonetic skills

Research methods: the study of literature, the analysis of tongue twisters, the method of comparison and generalization are also used.

   To begin with, let's consider language as the “most important means of human communication” that exists in the material form of speech sounds. A language cannot exist without being spoken. Oral speech is the primary process of communication using language. Written speech is secondary; it represents what exists in spoken speech. Speaking of pronunciation, let's consider the history of phonetics. So, the use of this term in relation to the teaching method dates back to 1901. Phonetics borrows from the Roman text the Littera Doctrine, dubious - discuss, which states that the letter (littera) consists of a sound (potestas), a written symbol (figura) and a name (nomen). This connection between sound and word form is the basis of traditional acoustics. One of the effective methods of implementing the communicative orientation of English lessons is rhyming, counting, songs, which can be the basis for language strokes. Thanks to them, a relaxed picture of speech communication is formed and the educational process is thoroughly intensified. The use of rhymed material is important at the initial stage of learning a foreign language. Often in English lessons at the initial stage, games using rhymes, folklore genre in the form of poems and songs are used. The rhymed source is used to work out both individual (taken in isolation) and a group of speech samples. With the help of rhymes, a complex of significant methodological tasks is solved: - the presentation of a new sound, its pronunciation; the study of the phonetic phenomenon being studied - when reading and memorizing rhymes. When working with the English alphabet, rhyming is used to learn and strengthen the letters of the English alphabet. Rhyming material helps students to repeat and memorize letters in the order in which they are in the alphabet, in the most optimal form for them. The use of rhymed material activates motivation and, consequently, contributes to better assimilation of language material due to the action of involuntary memorization devices that increase the volume and strength of the memorized material [4,p.27-28].

Working with tongue twisters can be invaluable because as a result of the work, speech becomes clear, legible and understandable, working with tongue twisters is the best means of achieving clarity in pronunciation. The use of tongue twisters in a foreign language lesson helps the teacher to work out the pronunciation of individual consonants in a relaxed, playful way, especially those that are absent in the Russian language. Tongue twisters are a universal tool as they can be used at any stage of language learning as well as without age categories. For the effective use the following stages of work are proposed:

  • The first stage is the presentation of the tongue twister.

The teacher must first present a tongue twister. It should sound at a fast pace, that is, the way it should be pronounced. And then the teacher pronounces it slowly, syllabically.

For example:

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Spread it thick, say it quick!

  • The second stage is the work of understanding the tongue twister.

Students should know what they are saying. The teacher needs to present new tongue twisters, it is not necessary to translate them, it will be more effective to use synonyms, antonyms or to define a new word in English, for example, to use the game "Guess the meaning"

Below we will look at individual articulation exercises that students perform in front of a small mirror to stimulate kinesthetic sensations.

  • Articulation gymnastics "Smile".

During this exercise, the lips stretch into a smile. Teeth should not be visible. While performing this technique, the student understands that the lips are the active organ of speech.

  • The next exercise is the "Tube".

To perform this exercise, you need to pull your lips forward, with a tube. The lips are rounded. The exercise allows you to prepare for the articulation of non-labialiaed and labialised English sounds.

  • "Brushing the upper teeth" is the name of the following exercise.

The mouth should be open, the lips smiling. We stick the tongue out and brush the teeth with the tip of the tongue from the outside; we perform the exercise 5-6 times to the left and right. Then we clean the inside of the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue, slowly moving left and right, inserting the tip of the tongue into the tubercles located above the upper teeth. The exercise gives an idea of the location of the alveoli, which prepares for the publication of alveolar sounds.

  • "The barrier"  is a kind of unusual articulation gymnastics

After the students perform the above warm-up exercises, it will be necessary to place two medium nuts in the oral cavity, creating an obstacle in the mouth, it will be necessary to work out a certain sound at the beginning, then words and eventually the whole tongue twister. The process of playing the tongue twister will be very difficult, since we have mechanically created a barrier. After the student has taken out the nuts, the muscles as well as the tongue will be needed and the student will easily be able to pronounce the studied sound and tongue twister at a pace.

Drawing conclusions, it is safe to say that if we pay proper attention to tongue twisters, as well as articulation gymnastics, and do it systematically, then the result in the form of a decent pronunciation will not take long to wait.

Список литературы

1. Pourhosein Gilakjani, A. (2012). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English Pronunciation Learning and the Strategies for Instruction. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(3), P119-128.
2. Sokolova, M.A. et al. Theoretical phonetics of the English language: A textbook for students of institutes and faculties of a foreign language. - M., 1996.P-45.
3. Torsuev, G.P. Teaching English pronunciation. Manual for teachers. - M., 1956.P:28-29.
4. Filatov, V.M. Theory and practice of early learning of foreign languages. Rostov n/A, 1999 P-20.
5. Alkhazishvili. A. A. Fundamentals of MASTERING ORAL foreign SPEECH No. 2(03 "Foreign languages" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1988.P-58.
6. Kochergina, V.A. Introduction to Linguistics. Fundamentals of phonetics - phonology. Grammar: Textbook– - M., 1991.P:27-28.

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