Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) | Мир педагогики и психологии №6 (35) Июнь 2019

УДК 37.026; 371.3

Дата публикации 30.06.2019

Educational quality: requirements and approaches to the quality of modern education

Сажина Наталья Михайловна
Кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой технологии и предпринимательства факультета психологии, педагогики и коммуникации Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования "Кубанский государственный университет", Россия, Краснодар,
Шер Марина Леонидовна
Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования» Российский государственный университет юстиции", Северо-Кавказский филиал, Россия, Краснодар, доцент факультета психологии, педагогики и коммуникации, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Кубанский государственный университет", Россия, Краснодар, mlsher@yandex.ru
Миронов Леонид Валерьевич
Магистрант 2 курса факультета психологии, педагогики и коммуникации Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования " Кубанский государственный университет», Россия, Краснодар, leniamironoff@yandex.ru

Sazhina N. M.
PhD Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Technology and entrepreneurship department, Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Communication Science, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, «Kuban State University», Russia, Krasnodar, mlsher@yandex.ru
Sher M. L.
PhD Economics, docent, Assistant Professor of the Economics Department, Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education, «Russian State University of Justice», North Caucasian branch, Russia, Krasnodar, Assistant Professor of the Psychology, Pedagogy and Communication Science faculty, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, «Kuban State University», Russia, Krasnodar, mlsher@yandex.ru
Mironov L. V.
2nd-year master student of the Psychology, Pedagogy and Communication Science faculty, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, «Kuban State University», Russia, Krasnodar, leniamironoff@yandex.ru

Abstract: This article discusses the variability of innovative learning methodology and approaches to the conduct of the educational process. In addition, the authors considered ways to integrate modern technological base to increase students' interest in obtaining knowledge and education. Another important component of the article is educational content and the compilation of factors affecting its quality in the structure of the educational process and their division into subcategories, depending on whether they are regulated or adjusted to the realities of the economy.
Keywords: modern education, educational methods, educational technologies, quality of educational process, innovative learning

Innovation processes include all related to advanced experience, numerous organizational changes in the field of lifelong education, achievements of scientific thought and their introduction into practice. The educational process, which occupies a central place in pedagogy, can be considered as innovative, because its goal is to  transfer the accumulated amount of knowledge to the next generation of students and stimulating them to further expansion of future scientific base. If we had efficient methods for studying and evaluating innovation processes, then this would allow them to be regulated, strengthened practical use and improved focus.

The system of modern education leads to a change in priorities in the activity of a teacher: not to teach, but to create conditions for an independent creative search for a student.

Such factors are divided according to the possibilities to manage them by the management of educational institutions into two groups: regulated and unregulated, as we can see at picture 1.

Picture 1. Classification of factors affecting the educational quality

The content of training is among the most important regulated factors in the quality of education.

Learning content is a set of necessary theoretical knowledge and practical information illustrating and supplementing knowledge, as well as the skills and abilities of their application.

The purpose of educational content is the formation of advanced professional competencies that determine the faculty learning quality.

The content of education can be presented in short and expanded form or as didactic units, like themes and sections in state educational standards (SES), sample and work programs in textbooks, teaching aids and lectures. The minimum mandatory requirements for the content of training are regulated by the CRP.

Professional competencies are formed largely due to the content of general professional and special academic disciplines; non-professional and sociocultural competences - at the expense of all disciplines provided by the State Educational Standard and working curricula, as well as through personal self-education and other additional forms.

Thus, the educational content is intended for the professional and individual competencies formation, and it’s a complex series of competencies necessary for the professional activity of a specialist.

To achieve the specified learning result, it is necessary to carry out a targeted selection of didactic units of educational information in the form of separate sections, topics, questions and tasks, taking into account a number of criteria. To establish these criteria, it is advisable to consider the structure of the training content, described at picture 2.

Picture 2. Structure of study content

Knowledge is educational information, necessary and sufficient for the formation of professional competences characteristic of a certain level of education.

The assimilation of knowledge can be carried out at four interrelated successive levels:

1. familiarization, memorization and recognition;

2. assimilation and understanding;

3. heuristic level based on the ability to apply knowledge;

4. creative level, which is characterized by the search, the selection of knowledge, their creative comprehension and application in non-standard situations.

Increasing level of mastering knowledge, we can achieve the strong development of students individual, creative and psychological potentials. However, to achieve this level it is necessary to apply active methods and means of training.

Fundamental educational information - information that is crucial for the formation of competencies and / or basic knowledge, without which it is impossible or difficult to grasp the subsequent topics of the same or other academic disciplines.

This information has a great influence on the quality of education. For example, in the discipline “Marketing”, such didactic units as goals, objectives, principles, objects, means, methods, marketing strategies, marketing environment, etc. can be attributed to the fundamental information. In commodity research, these items include formulating and preserving them.

Fundamental training information should be defined in an enlarged form in the CRP, more extensive - in the sample and work plans, lecture notes, tests for self-control, current, intermediate, final and certification control.

However, with all the importance of fundamental educational information, it cannot and should not be the only one. Along with it, it is necessary to use additional as well as additional information.

Additional information is intended to ensure the assimilation of knowledge, the formulation of skills, the development of the outlook of creative activity and independence of thinking of students. In addition, additional information is used to substantiate the underlying information (certain provisions, show the evolution of ideas, theories, etc.), as well as identify interdisciplinary connections, basic knowledge of previous academic disciplines showing the professional significance of knowledge.

An example of additional information in marketing is the justification for the choice of certain means of product promotion, marketing communication methods and marketing strategies.

Auxiliary information is intended to illustrate the fundamental and additional information, the development of cognitive interest, the formation of a positive motivation to learn. The function of transmitting this information can be performed by technical means of education (video films, films, tables, layouts, etc.).

Knowledge is necessary for the development of mental activity, the accumulation of the necessary professional, methodical, logical, theoretical and other information. However, besides this, the student must master procedural information, that is, he must know how to carry out certain operations of practical (professional) activity. Without this knowledge, skills cannot be formulated.

Skills is the ability to perform certain activities based on existing theoretical knowledge.

For example, in marketing it is the ability to conduct marketing research, develop or select a marketing strategy; in merchandising - to evaluate goods by quality, to form an assortment, to identify goods, etc.

Organizational forms of training such as seminars, business games, practical and laboratory classes are most suitable for the formation of skills. However, in these classes it is impossible to form many professional skills, since due to the lack of classroom time, they need enough practical experience, conducting trainings, classroom, extracurricular independent work. Activities common to different disciplines can also formulate skills when using traditional and innovative activities (for example, independent work skills: read intelligently, write the author's text, listen, speak, analyze, etc.)

Practical experience is a set of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of their application in professional activities or situations that model them.

This most important element of the content of training is for employers the most important and sometimes the only criterion for assessing the professional competence of an employee who is accepted or invited to work in an organization, and this criterion is most often evaluated on the basis of formal criteria - records in the workbook. However, these signs are clearly insufficient for assessing the quality of training for specialists with higher and secondary professional education. We can see this paragraph at picture 3.

Picture 3. Main indicators of the educational quality

The minimum admissible limits of the initial educational level are determined at the entrance control - entrance exams. However, any exams are random controls with a random sample of questions. Therefore, the accuracy of the assessment of the level of training of the applicant has a sufficiently large error.

In this regard, without denying the need for traditional forms of control, it is advisable to conduct incoming boundary or operational control in each discipline. Establishing the initial level of students' preparation for the perception of knowledge in a particular discipline will allow the teacher to orient in the setting and more flexibly apply certain techniques, means and methods of teaching.

Media, Internet, advertising, computer games replace books for young people, including fiction and professional literature, they are taught to mindlessly absorb information, without its analytical selection and perception.

Our surveys showed that only 40% of the students surveyed read fiction, with more than half of them reading “light” literature (detective stories, women's and historical novels, etc.), but not classical, 50% read only materials on the web Internet, they use virtual books, moreover, mainly only educational and technical content, and 10% do not read anything except social networks and educational material from lectures.

As a consequence, the choice of tools for the assimilation of theoretical knowledge is also specific. A survey of full-time students at our university showed that approximately 40% of respondents prefer theoretical materials from the Internet and lecture notes during preparation for the exam, 50% use only notes and Wikipedia. Only 10% of respondents prefer textbooks, both physical and virtual, and mostly those who do not attend lectures.

 In addition, the mass character of higher education, its accessibility, the understated level of requirements for admission to the university should be added. Along with the worthy ones, people with inadequate abilities to study there enter and become students. For such students, it would be wiser to stop at primary or secondary vocational training. Quite often these are students entering and studying for a fee. Sometimes these students have the wrong idea that by paying for their studies, they can count on a lightweight version of it. In this case, it is very important that both teachers, deans, and the university administration have a clear position that payment is made for the service, and not for the marks on the exams. There should be a deduction of negligent students who do not want to learn. This is an important educational value for other students.

In this regard, at the present stage, there is an urgent need to increase the specific share of independent work, managed by a teacher, as well as the activation of students' reproductive and creative independence.

However, this requires the reorientation of teachers to the use of innovative technologies, increasing their demands on the quality of their work, as well as on the quality of students' cognitive activity.

The increased share of independent work of a student gives a positive result only if the following conditions are met:

- availability of good, modern textbooks, including electronic ones, allowing the student to independently obtain the necessary educational information;

- the availability of methodological developments to facilitate the independent acquisition by the student of knowledge and skills;

- teachers have the ability to manage the independent work of the student;

- the presence of an appropriate classroom and extracurricular material base, ensuring the implementation of independent and joint work of the student and teacher.  

It is extremely important that the ratio of self-work and collaboration be optimal. A bias in one direction or another reduces the effectiveness of training. With a high proportion of independent work of the student (more than 60%) and the lack of management of her teacher, the quality of education decreases, since the student does not learn the deeply needed knowledge. With a low proportion of independent work, the student acquires knowledge at a low level: memorization or understanding of reproductive skills.

«The interrelation of the factors that determine the quality of the educational process in universities, and their impact on efficiency, are closely interrelated. There is a direct connection between the focus on the acquisition of knowledge and its effectiveness. This is proved by the fact that students aimed at acquiring professional qualities are determined by a high degree of attendance at classes, strong will, purposefulness, determination, perseverance. However, as practice shows, some students show selectivity in attending classes and divide the subjects into “necessary” and “unnecessary”, and this, in turn, affects the success of the training. Students who study for the sake of “crust” often use such means of learning in their studies, such as irregular classes, the use of cheat sheets and so on, and, naturally, do not receive enough knowledge for their future profession. Knowledge, skills and abilities, which a student masters while studying at a university, do not exist as something isolated from his personality.

The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the interests of the student to the subject and the topic being studied. A common pattern is the dependence of the interests of students on the level and quality of their knowledge, mental activity and on their relationship to the teacher. To improve the efficiency of the educational process, each teacher is required to form educational activities in such a way as to achieve the necessary level under all conditions, both in educational work and in general personality development. It is also necessary to direct students to a higher level of personal growth in acquiring new knowledge and skills».

The quality of pedagogical activity largely depends on the professional competence of the teacher, including the availability of professional knowledge in a volume that exceeds or complies with the requirements of standards, sample and work programs for the discipline, as well as teaching methods in general and for a particular discipline.

The teacher should know the didactic elements of training, be able to choose them according to the principle of rational expediency, monitor their performance and make adjustments to the content of education with the advent of new scientific, educational, legal and other information, as well as the applied pedagogical technologies.

«Relying on the general scientific understanding of the system and taking into account the pedagogical essence of assessment activities regarding the quality of the educational process at the university, we understand the pedagogical system of education quality assessment as an effective means of influencing the development of the educational process, provided with an integral set of methods, methods, procedures and technologies for identifying correction and coordination of the state of all elements of the educational process».

The quality of pedagogical work also depends on the material and technical base on which the educational process is carried out.

The material and technical base of the educational process is a combination of basic and auxiliary means of training and ensuring the livelihoods of people in the implementation of the educational process in an educational institution.

The purpose of this base is to create the conditions for sanitary, technical, didactic, psychological, intellectual, necessary to meet the educational, scientific, mental, social and spiritual needs of students, teachers and other employees of the educational institution.

The use of informational and personality-oriented pedagogical technologies is based on the use of modern technological means of information, which perform the function of transmitting educational information and controlling its mastery at levels I and II.

At the same time, the teacher is exempted from performing these functions and can focus his efforts on developing goals, applying active teaching methods, which requires additional time, as well as new types of didactic materials and their rapid reproduction (for example, electronic textbooks, case studies and case studies etc.). The advantage of such didactic materials is their lability and constant correction, which is very important with the constant change of new scientific ideas and achievements of the NTP.

Without modern technical means of training, the necessary textbooks, laboratory and other equipment, information programs, auxiliary equipment, it is difficult to prepare highly qualified specialists who will work in organizations with good technical equipment.

The unregulated but accountable factors affecting the quality of education include the educational needs of teachers and students, as well as the information learning environment. A characteristic feature of requests is their manifestation in a latent, unconscious form.

Employers often find it difficult to articulate specifically and clearly their requirements for the content of training, including the list of disciplines, the composition and content of training, including the list of disciplines, the composition and content of their didactic units. To do this, it would be necessary again, or even to re-examine a number of general professional and special disciplines, and then analyze them. They often do not have enough time or desire for this. It is much easier to express a general dissatisfaction with the training of specialists.   

With regard to the fundamental training of future specialists, employers (or just practitioners) underestimate its importance for the formation of the breadth of a person’s outlook, culture, character and activity of thinking, education in general. Such training creates the basis for in-depth and meaningful mastering of the content of general professional and special disciplines.

Students' inquiries for the quality of educational services are even more uncertain, and often exaggerated with a negative knowledge motivation, they accept the diploma as the main goal and result of the educational process.

Therefore, the educational needs of students should be adjusted. They should be taken into account when using certain pedagogical technologies that develop analytical thinking, independence and cognitive activity of students.

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