Теория языка | Филологический аспект №02 (70) Февраль 2021

Дата публикации 16.02.2021

Методы и подходы дистанционной технологии в обучении иностранному языку

Абдыгалиева Назым Нуржановна
Лектор кафедры государственного и иностранных языков, Алматинский технологический университет, Алматы, Казахстан, myworld.kzt@mail.ru
Ермаханова Сауле Базархановна
Лектор кафедры государственного и иностранных языков, Алматинский технологический университет, Алматы, Казахстан, saule.b.english@mail.ru

Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена формам и методам применения дистанционных образовательных технологий в обучении иностранным языкам. Также рассмотрена актуальность использования инновационных методов обучения в иноязычном образовании, которая является одним из приоритетных направлений работы в системе отечественного образования. В статье также рассматривается практическая значимость использования технологии в процессе обучения, такие как интернет-платформы, серверы на базе электронного обучения в контексте дистанционного обучения.
Ключевые слова: электронное обучение, онлайн-система обучения, иноязычное образование, дистанционные образовательные технологии, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, Интернет, платформа.

Methods and approaches of distance learning Technology of foreign language teaching

Abdygaliyeva Nazym Nurzhanovna
Lecturer at the department of State and Foreign languages, Almaty technological University. Almaty, Kazakhstan
Yermakhanova Saule Bazarkhanovna
Lecturer at the department of State and Foreign languages, Almaty technological University. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract: This article is devoted to the forms and methods of using distance learning technologies in teaching foreign languages. The article also considers the relevance of using innovative teaching methods in foreign language education, which is one of the priority areas of work in the system of national education. The article also discusses the practical importance of using technology in the learning process such as Internet platforms, servers based on E-learning in the context of distance learning.
Keywords: E-learning, online learning system, foreign language education, distance learning technologies, information and communication technologies, Internet, platform.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Абдыгалиева Н.Н, Ермаханова С. Б. Methods and approaches of distance learning Technology of foreign language teaching // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. 2021. № 02 (70). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/philology/articles/metody-i-podkhody-distantsionnoj-tekhnologii-v-obuchenii-inostrannomu-yazyku.html (Дата обращения: 16.02.2021)

Introduction: The introduction of E-learning (EL) (e-learning) has emerged as one of the directions of the State program of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, which aims to increase competitiveness of education and development of human capital through ensuring access to quality education for sustainable economic growth, ensuring equal access of all participants of educational process to the best educational resources and technologies, creation of conditions for the introduction automation educational process [1]. The term "distance learning" means such an organization of the educational process in which the teacher develops a curriculum, mainly based on self-study of the student. Such a learning environment is characterized by the fact that the student is mainly, and often completely separated from the teacher in space or in time, at the same time, students and teachers have the opportunity to carry out a dialogue with each other using telecommunications. Distance learning allows residents of regions where there are no other opportunities for professional training or high-quality higher education to study, there is no university with the required profile or teachers with the required qualification level.

Learning English through distance learning programs has its advantages compared to classes with a teacher. In the context of the innovative strategy of a new side of pedagogical process in vocational education, the role of the universities including and teachers as direct carriers of innovative processes significantly increases. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problematic, modular and others, the implementation of leading pedagogical processes remains with the teacher.

With the development of modern technologies in the educational process, the teacher is increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, adviser. This requires special psychological and pedagogical training from them, because in the professional activity of a teacher, not only special, subject knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teaching technology is implemented. On this basis, a readiness is formed for the perception, assessment and implementation of pedagogical innovations. Professionally made programs often contain many more features than any teacher. This is because CLP employs a large number of people, especially very experienced teachers, to create such distance learning English programs. The fact is that any teacher can work full-time (or via Skype), at his level and with his methodological tools. And only the strongest teachers and methodologists can combine their knowledge and experience for distance learning English in such a way as to get a product that a person can use independently. When added to this technical capabilities, software development-the result of such work has a huge learning potential.

For Kazakhstan, with its large territory and, in this regard, a weak information infrastructure, a large number of scientific and educational centers in remote cities, the opportunity to receive professional education and training without leaving their place of work is extremely important.

It should be noted that there were a number of reasons that hindered the development of distance learning in foreign language education in Kazakhstan. On the one hand, the traditional form of education denied the effectiveness of distance learning, its possibilities and prospects of improving the quality of foreign language education (preference given to part-time study), on the other hand, the shortage and lack of necessary technology (computers, Internet, software) for implementing and distance learning limits the opportunities for and the teacher as an organizer of the learning process and the learner as recipient of knowledge. Thus, the current system of full-time and part-time education for a number of reasons and circumstances is not able to meet the existing need of people to obtain the desired professional education, while the number of people wishing to receive a second higher education and professional retraining, who do not have the opportunity to receive education in the traditional form, is growing from year to year [2, p.187]. The dynamics of modern life necessitates effective distance learning systems that meet the following needs: to study individually, regardless of place and time; receive training continuously and on an individual trajectory, in accordance with the high principles of open education; the opportunity to realize the human right to lifelong education and information. The distance learning system meets all of the above requirements.

The main subsystems of  distance learning system are: subsystem of educational and methodological support; subsystem of technical support; organizational subsystem.

The main purpose of using the distance learning system (DL) is to improve the qualifications and professional growth of the company’s personnel by improving the quality of training, unifying knowledge and bringing it to common corporate standards, and using modern information technologies.

Radically new forms of presentation and organization of information, providing the maximum degree of its perception. Among them are: clear structuring of information, regulated amount of redundant information.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the spectrum of new educational institutions that is emerging before our eyes and highlight their basic models. It is important not only to consider existing models of educational institutions operating on the basis of the use of distance learning methods and information technologies, but also to understand what new forms may appear in the future, which determines their diversity. At this stage of the study, it seems appropriate to consider three integrated factors: technological, pedagogical,organizational.

Objects and methods of research:  With the development of means of communication, there has been an increased interest in various methods of distance learning. The student does not need to spend time moving to the place of employment, and the lesson itself can be read at any time convenient for itself, having studied the material in full or postponed reading the part for later. Currently, the objects of this scientific work are the following: organizational and pedagogical possibilities of distance learning are realized using almost all available telecommunication services, such as e-mail, electronic journals, chat, WEB-conferences, etc.  Now you can find a large number of diverse products designed to organize such a service. There are a large number of distance learning programs in the software market. In this regard, the problem arises of choosing a software product for certain criteria and for a particular educational institution.

There are many students who should combine a variety of approaches to learning English: for example, to study independently with the help of a distance program and in parallel to go to courses or communicate with a native speaker. At the center for language psychology, we offer students solutions that best fit both their specific learning objectives and personal characteristics.

For the implementation of the educational process in the form of distance learning, it is necessary to use technologies and learning tools used in full-time education in combination and integration with DL. So the realizing the given gist would be possible by using beneficial methods. We take under consideration the following  methods:

1.      Tools: educational books, authentic materials (hard copies on paper and electronic version of textbooks, teaching AIDS, syllabuses, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.), publications;

2.      Network teaching materials;

3.      Computer learning systems used in teaching a foreign language in conventional, hypertext and multimedia formats;

4.      Audio training and information materials;

5.      Video educational and informational materials;

6.      Remote laboratory workshops;

7.      Simulators with remote access;

8.      Reference databases and knowledge;

9.      Electronic library;

10.    Training tools (didactic materials) based on expert training systems;

12. Learning tools (didactic material) based on virtual reality [3, p. 189].

Results and their discussion: Considering in total means, forms and methods of the organization of distance learning it should be noted that distance learning, as well as in traditional system of training, is based on consecutive process of formation of competences which are realized through the state standards of education and standard curricula of specialties. Thus, regardless of the form and technology of training, the implementation of the state standard of vocational education is mandatory for the student. Another thing is how it is implemented in the working curriculum. It is no secret that the basis of the learning process in  DL mode is the independent work of students. If in the traditional educational process, the main time is given to classroom lessons with a teacher (practical, student’s individual work  and student’s individual work with teacher ), then with distance learning, the structure of the working curriculum is radically changed, in it 80% is given to independent work of the student, and under the supervision of the teacher - 20%. In this regard, it is very important to ensure the correct educational and methodological support of the educational process, allowing students to study subjects on their own and effectively move along the educational trajectory[4,p.188]. The working curriculum of the specialty should be clearly distributed in credits or hours by forms of educational activity, control and independent tasks. Practical classroom lessons are replaced by lessons via satellite TV or audio-video lessons of the teacher, or lessons posted on the Internet. Student’s individual work  and student’s individual work with teacher are carried out both by electronic and multimedia textbooks, and under the guidance of the tutor, who determines the most optimal learning path for the student.  The role of the teacher-advice and explanation of the most complex topics can be carried out both on-line (phone, Skype, WhatsUp) and off-line (e-mail). The tutor works under the guidance of the teacher responsible for the subject.

However, acceptance of boundary controls, examinations, final state examination and defense of the thesis are carried out in  contact, directly in the head educational institution on a full-time babis [5, p. 17-21]. One of these criteria is the administrator’s ability to quickly acquire skills in the program. Like any special form of organization of the educational process, the educational institution has a number of specific features. These usually include the following:

  1. Flexibility. Students, basically, do not attend regular classes in the form of lectures, seminars. Everyone can devote as much resources to his studies (temporary, financial, etc.) as he personally needs to master the course, discipline and obtain the necessary knowledge in his chosen specialty.
  2. Modularity. The foundation of the DL programs is the modular principle. Each individual discipline or series of disciplines that are mastered by the student creates a holistic view of a particular subject area. This allows you to form a curriculum that meets individual or group needs from a set of independent training courses.
  3. Parallelism. Training can be carried out when combining the main professional activity with study, i.e. "without interruption from production." Long-range action. The distance from the student’s location to the educational institution (subject to high-quality communication) is not an obstacle to an effective educational process.
  4. Profitability. This feature refers to the economic efficiency of subsidiaries. An average assessment of foreign and domestic educational systems of pre-school education shows that they cost about 10-50% cheaper, mainly due to more efficient use of existing training facilities and IT equipment, as well as the presentation of a more concentrated and unified content of educational materials and the orientation of pre-school technologies to a large number of students and other factors.
  5. Teacher. We are talking about the new role of the teacher, when functions are assigned to him, such as coordinating the cognitive process, adjusting the taught course, counseling, managing educational projects, etc. Interaction with students is carried out mainly asynchronously using e-mail or other communication systems. Full-time contacts are also allowed and welcome.
  6. Learner. The new meaning is emphasized by the term itself - not learner, but already learner. In order to pass DL, he needs exceptional self-organization, hard work and a certain starting level of education.

Remote form of language learning, like any other, has its pros and cons, and is not suitable for everyone. The main disadvantage of distance learning, especially with the help of distance programs and simulators for self-study, is the requirement from the listener a much higher degree of self-organization and discipline than classes with a teacher or on courses. Questions of motivation for continuing education are also at the mercy of the student himself. Such kind of issue argues the most impressive methods like investigating up to date techniques. By the way we should take under consideration the net access in any  types of DL. We  also must keep in mind that this  research is needed gadgets and consequently the  net access. Without them this  method of  education couldn’t  exist. That is  why we  argue that the most necessity object in this  research are networking  and  tools:

  1. investigating  the advantages of distance learning from literary sources;
  2. learn the basic tools of DL;
  3. to assess the effectiveness of various components of educational and methodological support of  DL;
  4. analyze the application in practice;

Conclusion: Distance learning technologies are based on conducting distance learning sessions in the "online", "offline" mode. Training sessions in the "online" mode provide for the process of educational interaction in real time (video conferencing, through messaging on the Internet, negotiations by telephone).Training in the "offline" include a process of educational interaction in which the communication between the teacher and the learner asynchronously (email, work of the student with textbook on the instructions of the teacher followed by the surrender of total control).

It is known that, distance learning is a formal form of learning of the  21st century. There are  reasons why this type of education is  getting  more and more  popular: Firstly, it’s cheaper than full-time study. This allows students who can not afford to pay full-time courses, get an education. You can schedule for yourself, which is impossible with full-time study. In addition, the student can even work and study at the same time.The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. With regard to the pedagogical process in vocational education, innovation means the introduction of a new goal, content, methods and forms of training, the organization of joint activities of teachers and students.

The results of social progress, previously concentrated in the field of technology, today are concentrated in the information sphere. It is believed that the twenty-first century will be the century of computer science, and the current stage is characterized as telecommunication. Based on the fact that professional knowledge is aging very quickly, it is necessary to constantly improve it. Learn all your life, combining it with work. It is such a need, as well as the emergence of information and computer technology that led to the creation of distance learning.

The results of the progress of society, previously concentrated in the field of technology, today are concentrated in the information sphere. It is believed that the twenty-first century will be the century of computer science, and the current stage is characterized as telecommunication. Based on the fact that professional knowledge is aging very quickly, it is necessary to constantly improve it. Learn all my life, combining it with work? It is such a need, as well as the emergence of information and computer technology that led to the creation of distance learning.

However, majority of people are still distrustful of distance learning. They say that this type of education lacks interaction. Students do not see their teachers and group-mates. Teachers cannot watch their students. According to them, interaction is the key to successful education. I reject this opinion, because distance learning involves even more interaction than full-time education. Distance students not only give lectures and perform tests, but also work on projects and participate in discussions. The online class gives the teacher much more access to what students did on the course. In a traditional class, it may be possible to avoid some class work, but in an online class, the teacher knows exactly when each student participated in the discussions and what he wrote there. All this is impossible to do in a real class. That is why let the learners make their own choice according kind of education.

Current control of progress and intermediate certification of students is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum, academic calendar and curriculum[6,p.146].Thus, DL technologies can be used in integration with new information and communication technologies, which, in turn, provide unlimited opportunities in the use of means and forms of DL in teaching foreign languages. Well, as you can already notice the advantages in learning English on Skype online are much more than the disadvantages.

However, the question of the possibility of learning a language remotely from scratch still remains open. Let's make it clear: nevertheless, it is worthwhile to realize that at the first stage it is best to deal with the teacher after all, and not on your own. This is necessary primarily for correct pronunciation. Moreover, in the future this will allow the student to freely operate and understand the basis of vocabulary and grammar. Frankly speaking, we can say that online and offline learning involves 3 common components: a teacher, a student and a study guide. Only the form of supply of the material changes, while the result remains unchanged. The increasing popularity and accessibility of online distance courses allow people to learn English or any other languages in any convenient place, while simultaneously doing their own business, while not distracting from work or study.

Therefore, for the implementation of the educational process in the form of DL it is necessary to use technologies and learning tools used in full-time education. It is very important to choose the right form and means to ensure not only the assimilation of the discipline, but also the ability to manage the educational process. Thus, distance educational learning gives students access to non-traditional sources of information, increases the efficiency of independent work, gives completely new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and consolidation of various professional skills, and allows teachers to implement fundamentally new forms and teaching methods using conceptual and mathematical modeling   of phenomena and up to date progress. We believe, If  we use  the given method during target language  learning we  will achieve  the most  effective  backgrounds  in  education.

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