Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) | Мир педагогики и психологии №02 (55) Февраль 2021

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Дата публикации 26.02.2021

Значимость блог-технологии в обучении английскому языку в высшей школе

Абдыкадырова Айнур Зеренкановна
Лектор кафедры государственного и иностранных языков, Алматинский технологический университет, Алматы, Казахстан, aikusian@mail.ru
Абдыгалиева Назым Нуржановна
Лектор кафедры государственного и иностранных языков, Алматинский технологический университет, Алматы, Казахстан, myworld.kzt@mail.ru

Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена вопросу применения блог-технологии в процессе преподавания английского языка студентам языкового отделения. Так как Интернет стал неотъемлемой частью современного образования, использование различных вэб-технологий является одним из требований, предъявляемых современному преподавателю при обучении иностранному языку в высшей школе. Блог- технологиям, ставшим довольно популярными в последние годы, нашлось применение и в образовательной среде. Использование блогов в процессе преподавания английского языка, является эффективным средством для развития навыков письма, критического мышления и не только.
Ключевые слова: интернет, информация, коммуникация, инновационные технологии, блог.

The importance of network technology in teaching English language in high schools

Abdykadyrova Ainur Zerenkanovna
Lecturer at the department of State and Foreign languages, Almaty technological University. Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abdygaliyeva Nazym Nurzhanovna
Lecturer at the department of State and Foreign languages, Almaty technological University. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract: This article focuses on the use of blog technology in teaching English to students in high schools. Since the Internet has become an integral part of modern education, the use of various web technologies is one of the requirements for a modern teacher when teaching a foreign language in higher education. Blog technologies that have become quite popular in recent years have found application in the educational environment. The use of blogs in the process of teaching English is an effective means for developing writing skills, critical thinking etc.
Keywords: internet, information, communication, innovative technologies, blog.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Абдыкадырова А.З., Абдыгалиева Н.Н. The importance of network technology in teaching English language in high schools // Мир педагогики и психологии: международный научно-практический журнал. 2021. № 02 (55). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/pedagogy/articles/znachimost-blog-tekhnologii-v-obuchenii-anglijskomu-yazyku-v-vysshej-shkole.html (Дата обращения: 26.02.2021)

Introduction:In the educational process, the digitalization process is related to the introduction of novelties in the content of teaching methods that contribute to the harmonious participation of all modern people in the modern technical capabilities and global information society, along with significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice. The main component of their learning is important for students of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​who are interacting with people. However, in most cases it is not possible to communicate directly with the target language speakers. Therefore, this is the solution to the problem on the Internet.

If the learner is interested in what he is accustomed to, he / she is looking for more information about himself / herself. For example, taking into account this information, we can find one of the most effective technologies in blog technology - the English teaching process.

Objects and Method of Research: The main purpose of this scientific article is possibility of using pedagogical methods and considering the use of pedagogical methods.

However, every year, many innovative devices develop technologies, which later make it even more effective in teaching English, for example, YouTube or Teacher Tube resources (teachers' resources), students and English teachers download videos or download their own, depending on their purpose. Accordingly, in this article, we must disclose the benefits of using internet technology in teaching a foreign language called "blogging." The blogs (sometimes used as references to the Internet) appeared in the late 90s. Blog-technology (Blog has revolutionized the way one's thought is communicated to the world through the medium of Internet. There are thousands of blogs currently on the internet, maintained by people from different countries and of all age groups. Web Logs or Blogs are thus a rich source of information for sociological and psychological study.) Any Internet user can create a personalized page in a diary book or journal. The blog typically includes text, photos, audio and video content, links to other Internet sources, and so on. A person who can load pages on their own.

Blogs generally have a linear structure, that is, all messages are in chronological order.

Also, this type of innovative development in the education system is accelerated by increasing the interaction between the teacher and the student. Therefore, a feedback system is expected in the English language teaching process in higher education institutions. Blogs are considered to be one of the social services of the new generation, as they create conditions for the communication of people with boundaries, oceans and deserts.

In particular, it is very important for language department students, because in most cases we do not have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers on a daily basis. That is why blogging is a good idea to solve this problem.

Results and their Discussion: In discussing the results and the field of education, the author reviewed the various classifications of the blog, depending on its purpose. Dawson S. offers three types of blogs: a) announcements, homework, etc. the class web space for publishing; b) Public area of ​​communication, which results are students' work; c) personal space for a student's reflection, as well as teacher's instructions. In Dawn's opinion, these three blog posts identify the following ways to use blogs in teaching foreign languages: teachers use blogs as lessons, homework, texts/ articles and exercises, as well as a link to students' Web sites for tasks design; can be used to organize lessons outside of blogs; students exchange with each other. Students are encouraged to create their own blogs, where they write their essays, exchange ideas about each other's work, etc. [1].       


A.V. Filatova’s solution to the problem of optimization of the process of teaching aforeign language is supported by didactic characteristics such as blogging technologies, its didactic characteristics, efficiency of material organization, simplicity of interactivity and multimedia [2]. P.V. Sysoyev and M.N. Evstigneev also mark the following features in blogs: advertisement (blogs are available to all project participants); linear (changes and additions are placed in chronological order); authorship and modernization [3].

Use of blogs in foreign language teaching:

- encourages the use of a foreign language in classroom and beyond;

- develops of reading and, most importantly, writing skills;

- encourages the use of foreign languages ​​as a self-learning tool;

- elicits the feedback from the arguments and strangers is necessary, for example, to express their opinion (for example, lack of time) when discussing social issues that are not always possible in the audience.

Kennedy K. He published an article titled "Writing with Web Magazines," which describes the results of empirical research on journalistic students' ability to write articles on their blogs and blogs for developing online debate skills. Perhaps from then on blogs for academic purposes started. The results of the research have significantly increased among pupils, with the writing skills, motivation and accountability among pupils [4, 11-14].


Joel Bloc introduced techniques for writing essays through blogging techniques. Students have published their essays on their blogs, and then organized an online debate about the essay. At the end of the course students did not only develop writing skills, but also developed critical thinking skills.

The only problem that has not been solved in practice has been the linguistic correctness of the word. Students have made many grammatical and stylistic mistakes. This is explained by the written work structure and their content is one of the key aspects of essay writing skills through blogging technologies. The method did not include any task to develop lexical and grammatical skills [5, p.128-141].


Conclusion: To accomplish this research, we have explored the use of blogs to enhance the interest in the educational process and to provide a high level of incentives for students. The novelty of technology is one of the stimulating factors in education. Publicity of the publication and availability of a potential audience will significantly improve the quality of students' work.

At present, learners are placed in situations where the teacher should not only seek a suitable answer, but must express his / her opinion. That's why the use of blogging technology will help to form critical thinking, active positions and student visions.

It should be borne in mind that despite all of these blogging technologies, the use of them in the learning process should be a methodological stimulus and a realistic methodological algorithm for integration, otherwise it would be chaotic or uninteresting with students who consider work with blogs to be extra and useless. In order to avoid these problems, teachers are recommended to schedule a schedule of materials with traditional tasks.


It eliminates technical difficulties, tasks, and so on. At the same time, when introducing blogging technology, it is necessary to analyze feedback and results from the teacher. The main idea of ​​such pedagogical support is to create conditions for effective communication and collaboration through partnerships and through the development of the learning environment. In particular, these two factors refer to the success of educational activities that are directed to blogs [6, pp.55-60]. The use of blocks promotes the cognitive process of students, encourages learning of foreign languages ​​and enhances creative self-esteem, improves the ability to search and analyze information, develop critical thinking and develop, as well as self-employed students. Blogs provide an opportunity to create optimal conditions for the formation of informational competence of future specialists by providing educational materials.

As for personal experience, our students are studying the blog, experimenting, and communicating with an English-speaking community. We also decided that we would be an example to our teachers and try to make them blogging. Progress Reports will be performed.

There are many blogging platforms, but both are most popular with Wordpress and Blogger. If you're looking for some of your luck, it's Google Blogger. If you want a sophisticated platform, Wordpress is a good choice. The main blog often allows you to navigate to the foreground page of statistical pages and statistical page updates available through tabs at the top of the pages. Gather students to make their blogs and publish their best work for use as digital portfolios throughout the year. Getting feedback from a specific audience, as well as friends, peers, and teachers - is a great opportunity for development. What about creating a blog for your class? You can upgrade your home page with homework assignments and updates from your classes. Use a feature-specific task or question, and use the notes to answer pupils. They could expand their answers by answering each other's opinions. You can use the blog as a lesson record by downloading presentations and photos. In the absence of a student, this is an invaluable tool that will allow them to reach.

It is possible to conclude that effective use of blog technology can lead to a clear understanding of the English language learning process to complete our research. Teachers can participate in the writing process, allowing students to gain feedback without stopping their creative movements. You can streamline them quickly and simply through a chat device, or you can separate and comment on specific sections - they must respond, otherwise the warning alert will not disappear.

It could be learnt how to collaborate with each other on an item in the social or historical context of the text you are reading. It is possible to estimate this technology in the teaching process. It will be feasible to share the document, close their computers, and simultaneously click on a disk on your disk to make instant feedback. We argue that such kind of method helps to be up to date in our global science life-style.

Список литературы

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