Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии | Мир педагогики и психологии №04 (45) Апрель 2020

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Дата публикации 30.04.2020

Организация и методика коррекционной работы логопеда в школьном логопедическом кабинете

Темирова Гульдана Кайратовна
к.м.н., доцент, Педагогический факультет, Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е. А. Букетова, Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда
Рахметова Анар Муратовна.
магистр, Педагогический факультет, Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е. А. Букетова, Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда

Аннотация: В статье описывается речевая функция, которая является одной из психических функций человека. В процессе речевого развития формируются высокие формы познавательной деятельности, способности к умственному мышлению. Значение слова является самостоятельным обобщением и в этом отношении отражает не только единство речи, но и единство мышления. Они не похожи и появляются независимо друг от друга. Но в процессе психического развития у ребенка возникает сложная качественная новая ассоциация-вербальное рассуждение и вербальное рассуждение. Ребенок с развитой речью будет иметь сознательную, планомерную и упорядоченную поведенческую деятельность. Языковое общение оказывает положительное влияние на формирование различных форм развития и обеспечивает общее психическое развитие. Речевые расстройства в любой степени (в зависимости от характера речевых расстройств) влияют на все психическое развитие, деятельность, поведение ребенка. Комплекс речевых расстройств влияет на формирование высокого уровня познавательной активности, психического развития, обусловленного ограничением социальных (преимущественно языковых) отношений, в которых ребенок распознается как истина окружающей среды, так и тесная взаимосвязь речи и мышления.
Ключевые слова: речевая функция, языковая коммуникация, общее психическое развитие, речевое расстройство, когнитивная деятельность, психическое развитие

The organization of remedial work speech therapy in school speech therapy office and his techniques

Rakhmetova Guldana Kajratovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Faculty. Karaganda State University. E. A. Buketova, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Temirova Anar Muratovna
Master of Education, Faculty of Education. Karaganda State University. E. A. Buketova, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Abstract: The article describes the speech function, which is one of the mental functions of a person.In the process of speech development, high forms of cognitive activity and mental thinking abilities are formed.The meaning of a word is an independent generalization and in this respect reflects not only the unity of speech, but also the unity of thought. They are not similar and appear independently of each other. But in the process of mental development the child has a complex high-quality the new. Association is verbal reasoning and verbal reasoning. A child with a developed speech will have a conscious, planned and orderly behavioral activity. Language communication has a positive impact on the formation of various forms of development and provides general mental development. Speech disorders to any extent (depending on the nature of speech disorders) affect entire mental development, activity, behavior of the child. The complex of speech disorders affects the formation of a high level of cognitive activity, mental development, due to the restriction of social (mainly language) relations, in which the child recognizes both the truth of the environment and the close relationship of speech and thinking.
Keywords: speech function, linguistic communication, general mental development, speech disorder, cognitive activity, mental development

Правильная ссылка на статью
Темирова Г. К., Рахметова А.М. The organization of remedial work speech therapy in school speech therapy office and his techniques / Мир педагогики и психологии: международный научно-практический журнал. 2020. № 04 (45). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/pedagogy/articles/organizatsiya-i-metodika-korrektsionnoj-raboty-logopeda-v-shkolnom-logopedicheskom-kabinete.html (Дата обращения: … 2020)

Speech function is one of the mental functions of a person. In the process of speech development, high forms of cognitive activity and the ability to think mentally are formed. The meaning of the word is an independent generalization and therefore reflects not only the unity of speech, but also the unity of thinking. They are not similar and appear independently of each other. But in the process of mental development, the child has a complex qualitative new Association, this is speech thinking and speech thinking. A child with developed speech will have a conscious, planned and ordered behavioral activity. Language communication has a positive impact on the formation of various forms of development and provides General mental development. Speech disorders to some extent (depending on the nature of the speech disorder) affect all mental development, activity, behavior of the child. Complex speech disorders affect the formation of a high level of cognitive activity, mental development due to the restriction of social (mainly language) relationships in which the child recognizes the truth of the environment, and the close relationship between speech and thinking.Speech disorders, restrictions on language communication negatively affect the formation of the child's personality, can cause mental disorders, specific features of the sphere of will, can affect the development of negative character characteristics (shyness, nest, negativism, etc.). Speech disorders that occur in primary school children prevent the development of writing and reading at the initial stages of learning, and at subsequent stages-mastering the grammar of the native language. There are cases when a child can not master the primary school program due to speech disorders, and in complex cases can not be trained in school as a whole. With the correct organization and conduct of correctional work, a speech therapist helps such children overcome their existing speech disorders and master school knowledge on an equal basis with other children, as a result of which it contributes to full-fledged, all-round development[1, 7].

The main goal of speech therapy is to eradicate violations of speech by ways of an individual approach, training and correction, development of all spheres through the formation of the basic qualities, timely detection of defects and non-linguistic features of speech disorders that are the most suitable to adapt pupils to the school [2, 56].

To achieve this goal, as a teacher-speech therapist, I set the following tasks:

1. Сorrection of violations of the spoken language. Formation and development of speech motor skills; development of prosodic elements; correction of sound disorders; formation and development of phonemic perception; elimination of speech deficiencies and improvement of the lexical and grammatical side.

2. Prevention of violations of written speech of students. Formation of functional basis and favorable environment with the help of speech and non-language exercises corresponding to the psychophysiological level of children. 

3. Correction of violations of students  written speech. Development of language and non-language skills and functions necessary for competent disclosure; intellectual development; formation of phonemic skills of analysis and generalization.

In our work, in the process of speech therapy, we use a complex-thematic method that combines visual materials and game elements. Each task, focused on the development of lexical and grammatical side of speech, includes exercises of development of psychophysical sphere of children. These are games on psychogymnastics, relaxation, development of fine and general motor skills of hands, breathing exercises.

With the help of this method, the exercises selected for children not only develop language skills, but also contribute to the development of intellectual abilities and mental operations. All tasks performed during speech therapy classes allow children to be creative and finish the story or the end of the fairy tale, accompanied by one lexical theme or plot of one fairy tale. It is emphasized that the structure of speech therapy classes is always diverse: once the lesson takes place in a playful way. This diversity of structure of the lesson promotes students to remedial classes, positive mood and emotional freedom [3, 102].

Educational and cognitive process is a logical scientific and practical identification of the relationship between the cognitive activity of students and cognitive objects in a particular environment. This process includes setting goals, planning, analysis, generalization, reflection, evaluation of their cognitive activity. Therefore, we decided to carry out the formation of educational and cognitive activity of students in speech therapy classes on this technology. The purpose of this learning technology is the formation of cognitive activity of students. We conducted a review of numerous literature on the formation of educational and cognitive interest, as well as accumulated several compatible exercises for speech therapy classes. These exercises we use in the classroom with students with disorders of reading and writing related to the general underdevelopment of language and a violation of the phonetic and phonemic language [4, 85].

Due to the low rate of psychological development of children speech Therapy classes during the first class are held in a playful way. Therefore, during the lesson were given qualitative results of language and non-language exercises, logorhythmic techniques [5, 42].

Speech therapist classes are aimed at overcoming complex speech disorders, as well as to eliminate the shortcomings of oral and written speech of students at the end of primary school. Speech therapy classes are held both individually and in small groups of 2-4 people. The work of a speech therapist at the level of basic and secondary education should provide correction of the speed and rhythm of writing, reading, voice, speech. It is important to more frequent and sufficient communication with the child with speech disorders. In addition, children should be carried out various exercises to correct the general speech communication. It includes exercises:

- Breathing exercise;

- Su-Jock therapy;

- Various didactic, mobile, informative, story, role-playing games and

creative work;

- art therapy;

- Logo-rhythm exercises ;

- Articulation exercises;

- Exercises to develop general and fine motor skills of hands, such asvalue.

Su-Jock therapy

At the end of the twentieth century, Professor of Seoul People's University Park Jae-Woo, as a novelty in his work on the study of Oriental medicine, demonstrated unique techniques that allow people to treat themselves from various diseases. It was called the technique of "su Jok "(translated from the Korean "water" - palm, "Jock" - sole)

In the su Jok therapy, we work on the tumultuous balls, the pencil with the side, making a turn in the middle of both palms. Individual and group preparation of children for self-massage of fingers. For example, we develop fine motor skills of the child, turning it in the palms slightly ball or nut. That is, it is one of the types of finger massage. As well as work with a pencil, plasticine, mosaic, removal of sand, gravel, selection of coins, drawing a certain image in the air by visual representation - one of the ways to improve finger movements, improve brain function.

Art therapy means treatment with fine art. With the help art therapy demonstrates their ability to and creativity. And creativity has a rich imagination, a feature of thinking, ability to present new solutions and ideas with a constructive approach to the subjects, and the ability to be vitally active in the implementation of their knowledge, abilities and skills. Art therapy can include games with sand and non-traditional drawing.

Logorhythmic exercises is a system of movements, combined with the rhythm of the music and the word. In correctional works, the performance of the logorhythm is of great importance. Because the constant introduction of the elements of the logo-rhythm in learning activities contributes to the rapid development of language, general motor skills and harmony. Logo-rhythmic exercises in the educational sphere«healt» we use elements of physical-educational activity.

According to many experiments, with the active movement of children with speech disorders, there is a deficiency, including deviations in the fine motor skills of the finger. Work on the development of fine motor skills of hands and motor movements is important both in preschool and school age. For the development of fine motor skills of hands in children with speech disorders, it is important to use massage of fingers and joints of hands.

Parents and educators should pay due attention to fine motor skills. Games, exercises, various tasks.

In the development of fine motor skills we achieve this result:

1.General provisions Improved speech.

2.Increases motor ability.

3.Increases flexibility.

4.Logical thinking is developing.

5.Increases the level of knowledge.

The development of fine motor skills has a special place in the overall development of the child.V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the source of the ability of the child is on the tips of his fingers. The smarter the movement of the child's hands, the better develops thinking, speech [6, 25].

All exercises are performed together with the child in a good mood, sing, appreciate good work, boast-this, in turn, is of interest to children. Seeks to clear implementation of the tasks. We work with each child individually.

When organizing the game as overcoming obstacles, the child gives a good result, which is supported by both word and applause. Every kid likes to brag. With the help of warm words, warm eyelids can be corrected as the words and education of the child.

In the course of simple exercises, it is better to introduce the child to different animals, repeat their move, what sound will sound. This is an exciting and exciting exercise for the child. So, how does a cat happen? what sound does it make?- the questions can be answered from the child and evaluate its actions. In addition, you can select several animals.

To do this, of course, you need to conduct educational activities, first informing children about these animals.

In addition, you should teach these animals to present themselves in front of your eyes. It, in turn, develops his logical thinking. With the help of the game, communication with the child is strengthened, trust increases, the child's attitude to himself changes for the better, interest wakes up, the desire to see, to show. The game is a way to develop the mind. Therefore, thanks to its effective use, you can achieve the desired result.National value-in the development of fine motor skills play the role of art in their own introduction to this. 

Knitting a simple type of knitting from a thick thread, making knots, unpacking it. The main thing is that any task should be offered in a playful way that arouses the child's interest, and the teacher should make sure that his mood is elevated, a positive emotional state contributes to improving performance, increasing mental tone.

This means that you need to communicate more with your child and engage them in a dialogue. This creates a vocabulary. Not only does the child's speech control, but the speech therapist is also very important in order to make the most pleasant, clear and meaningful sounds. Only in mini-puppet theater, shadow theater, fun relay races, organize, interest children, encourage-language plays a special role in correcting hearing loss. Whatever it is, it's all about desire and interest. If the speech Therapist and the parent are interested in this case, you can eliminate any obstacles and achieve good results. An independent country, - congratulated smart, confident, healthy, growth zerek is-common interests.This is the direction in which we are using the most effective, the most developed, the most incredible approaches. When we see good results of our work, we do not have a happy soul. We will further develop this work in an innovative way.

Список литературы

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2. Tulebieva G. N., Ibatova G. B., Nurseitova G. R., Omirbek S. R. Organizational and methodological bases of correctional work with school-age children with writing disorders. - Almaty, 2017.
3. Ibatova G. B. Speech therapy work on correction of violations of written speech due to violations of the skills of sound analysis and generalization. - Almaty, 2018.
4. Omirbekova K. K. Organization of speech therapy work with children with speech disorders. - Almaty, 2015.
5. Krupenchuk O. I., Vorobyova T. A..Speech therapy exercises. Articulation gymnastics. - Moscow, 2017.

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