Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) | Мир педагогики и психологии №03 (68) Март 2022

УДК 81-13

Дата публикации 23.03.2022

Методика систематизации и обобщения знаний как условие повышения качества обучения русскому языку студентов национальных групп

Байгушикова Акбота Мусаевна
старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, baygushikova@inbox.ru
Маукеева Айгуль Орынбасарқызы
магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, maukeeva2012@mail.ru

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается эффективность применения методики систематизации и обобщения знаний в процессе обучения русскому языку студентов национальных групп. Авторы отмечают, что коммуникативные умения проявляются в умении работать с текстом: определить стиль и тип речи, правильно формулировать тему и идею, различать языковые особенности текста. Утверждается, что это приводит к умению создавать собственные тексты определенного стиля. Результаты проведенных авторами экспериментов показали, что регулярное применение этой методики способствует формированию у студентов прочных и систематических знаний, что является важным условием повышения качества обучения при обучении русскому языку.
Ключевые слова: систематизация и обобщение знаний, коммуникативные умения, функциональные стили речи, критерии выделения стилей, групповая форма работы, навыки самостоятельного познания, системный подход, качество обучения.

Methodology of systematization and generalization of knowledge as a condition for improving the quality of teaching Russian to students of national groups

Baigushikova Akbota Musayevna
senior Lecturer, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Maukeyeva Aigul Orynbasarkyzy
master of pedagogical sciences, teacher al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Abstract: This article examines the effectiveness of the method of systematization and generalization of knowledge in the process of teaching Russian to students. It is noted that communicative skills are manifested in the ability to work with the text: to determine the style and type of speech, to formulate the topic and idea correctly, to distinguish the linguistic features of the text. It is claimed that this leads to the ability to create your own texts of a certain style. The results of the experiments have shown that the regular use of this technique contributes to the formation of strong and systematic knowledge among students, which is an important condition for improving the quality of education.
Keywords: systematization and generalization of knowledge, communicative skills, functional speech styles, criteria for identifying styles, group form of work.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Байгушикова А.М., Маукеева А.О. Methodology of systematization and generalization of knowledge as a condition for improving the quality of teaching Russian to students of national groups // Мир педагогики и психологии: международный научно-практический журнал. 2022. № 03 (68). Режим доступа:https://scipress.ru/pedagogy/articles/metodika-sistematizatsii-i-obobshheniya-znanij-kak-uslovie-povysheniya-kachestva-obucheniya-russkomu-yazyku-studentov-natsionalnykh-grupp.html (Дата обращения: 23.03.2022)

Currently, one of the urgent problems of higher education is the training of a specialist who has high abilities, deep theoretical and practical knowledge, who can work in a new way in various industries, evaluate changes in life, creative, active. The new requirements of society determine the formation of students' ability to independently assimilate knowledge, continuous self-study and independent cognition throughout life. Therefore, instilling in students the skills of independent cognition, scientific erudition, intellectual activity becomes one of the urgent problems.

The most important thing in the process of teaching Russian to students of national groups is the formation of skills for using the acquired knowledge in practice. To do this, it is necessary to form students' communicative skills. Communicative skills are manifested, first of all, in the ability to work with text: to determine the style and type of speech, to formulate the topic and idea correctly, to distinguish the linguistic features of the text, and as a result - the creation of your own texts of a certain style.

The effective formation of students' communicative competence in the process of teaching the Russian language is facilitated by the methodology of systematization and generalization of knowledge. In the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of "systematization" is characterized as a mental activity in which the studied objects are organized into a certain system based on the chosen principle [1].

One of the ways to implement a systematic approach in education is to systematize the knowledge of students, teach them the techniques of independent systematizing activities, the ability to navigate in the educational material, freely operate with the learned theory and apply it in practice. The formation of such qualities in a student is one of the indicators of readiness for educational activities in a university.

A systematic approach, in turn, involves the systematization of knowledge. Systematization is the bringing of parts of the whole into a certain order in which these parts, being in known connections and relationships to each other, form a single whole. Systematization is one of the types of educational activity of a teacher and a student, which is reflected in all parts of the learning process and is aimed at mastering high-quality systemic knowledge by students. The more connections the new material has with the old, the easier the memorization process is. Simultaneously with the perception of information, both information and memory itself are structured under the influence of perceived and already stored information. The perceived information is displayed in the memory structure.

"The analysis of pedagogical practice and special studies claim that the functions of generalization and systematization of knowledge are not reduced to the usual reproduction of the studied material, but carry the ability to organize the studied material. The importance of generalization and systematization of knowledge increases immeasurably when studying at a university" [2].

"With generalizing repetition, the most essential facts, concepts, skills are not only reproduced from the previously studied material, but logical connections between them are also established. Their origin and development are traced. At the same time, the studied material is reinterpreted as a whole, which leads not only to the consolidation of what has been learned, but also to the building of knowledge into a brief structural system, thereby improving the quality of assimilation of the studied material, developing students' mental activity, reducing their workload" [3].

First-year students of national groups have an idea of the speech differences between official business, conversational, artistic, journalistic and scientific styles, which must be systematized and deepened in the process of learning the Russian language.

The functional style of speech is a kind of literary language that serves a particular sphere of public life and is characterized by a certain peculiarity of the selection and use of linguistic means, depending on the conditions and goals of communication [4]. The following functional speech styles are distinguished in the Russian language:






Styles differ in the sphere of use, the purpose of use, means of expression and genres. For the general characteristics of functional speech styles, it is possible to clearly build knowledge into a brief structural system using criteria on the basis of which speech styles are distinguished.

Consider these criteria:

The first criterion is the scope of use. Speech styles cover all spheres of human life, while each style has its own "specialization". It is important to know where and when the style is used.

The second criterion is the purpose of use. Each style has its own function. It is also important to know why the style is used.

The third criterion is the means used. The goal in each of the styles is achieved with the help of its own language means.

The fourth criterion is the characteristic features. Each style is characterized by distinctive features and attributes.

The fifth criterion is genres. Finally, each of the styles has its own genres.

In the course of generalizing students' knowledge of functional speech styles, the above-mentioned criteria for distinguishing speech styles can be used as a guideline. At the same time, the use of an interactive teaching method, in particular, the technology of collective interaction, i.e. the group form of work creates favorable conditions for more effective organization of classes and active inclusion of each student in the educational process. For example, students are divided into 5 microgroups (according to the number of speech styles). The task of each group includes a characteristic of speech styles according to the above criteria. Working in a group, students have the right to help each other, keep the necessary records, consult with the teacher. At the end of the work, each group presents its own style of speech, while the teacher corrects mistakes, complements students' answers. Other groups take notes on the presented style of speech. When working together in the process of mastering knowledge about functional speech styles, each student makes an individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, which allows students not only to gain new knowledge, but also to develop their communicative skills: the ability to listen to the opinion of another, participate in discussions, develop a joint solution.

By studying the stylistics of the modern Russian language, its linguistic features and genres, students gain universal knowledge of the structural and semantic analysis of the text. Students, using theoretical knowledge, create their own texts. This is how they master the skills of oral and written speech.

In the course of the experiment, the effectiveness of using this technique was established. The conducted research shows that if such forms of systematization and generalization are systematically used in Russian language lessons as group work, then:

* students' views on the subject are expanded and systematized;

* skills of self-systematization and generalization of knowledge are formed.

Group learning activities can significantly increase the effectiveness of the Russian language learning process, therefore, it can be considered as one of the ways to develop a creative personality of a person.

Thus, as a result, the memorization process proceeds more efficiently, so that in the future, when working with texts, students form an algorithm for determining whether a text belongs to a certain functional style of speech. These criteria will help students to not only consolidate and strengthen the acquired material, but also to build knowledge of functional speech styles into a clear structural system. This, of course, contributes to improving the quality of assimilation of the studied material.

Systematization and generalization of students' knowledge and skills is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education. If the teacher systematically, comprehensively uses various forms of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills, then the interest of students in studying the subject will increase, and, consequently, the quality of training will increase.

The main thing in preparing students is not simply to increase new knowledge to existing ones, but to equip them with the ability to assimilate new knowledge independently, continuously improving their system, to think critically and creatively approach the solution of emerging problems. These qualities should determine the student's personality.

The main purpose of systematization is to indicate ways to improve, deepen knowledge and skills so that conditions are created for the subsequent inclusion of students in active creative activity.

Thus, regular application of the methodology of systematization and generalization in Russian language classes contributes to the formation of students' solid and systematic knowledge, which is an important condition for improving the quality of education.

Список литературы

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2. Титова Е.И., Буркина В.А. Преимущество методики обобщения и систематизации знаний // Молодой ученый. – 2015. – №12. – С. 10.
3. Бабанский Ю.К. Интенсификация процесса обучения. М.: Знание, 1987. – 78 с.
4. Гойхман О.Я., Надеина Т.М. Речевая коммуникация: Учебник. – 2-ое изд. – М.: ИНФРА – М., 2007. – 272 с.

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