Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) | Мир педагогики и психологии №11 (76) Ноябрь 2022

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Дата публикации 30.11.2022

Методика организации ролевых игр в средней и старшей школе как средство обучения устно-речевым умениям и навыкам

Куртвили Владимир Дмитриевич
магистрант института международного образования, Московский педагогический государственный университет, РФ, г. Москва

Аннотация: В настоящее время мы видим тенденцию к использованию новых подходов в изучении английского языка. В связи с этим возросла популярность коммуникативного, лексического и других подходов к изучению иностранных языков. Таким образом, повысилась актуальность вопроса использования геймификации в образовательном процессе. Анализ различной литературы доказывает эффективность использования игр в обучении различным предметам, в том числе иностранным языкам. Ролевые игры могут служить различным целям: повышению когнитивных способностей учащихся, совершенствованию их коммуникативных навыков, погружению в языковую среду, отработке ситуативных реальных коммуникативных ситуаций, а также работе в группах. Методически игры могут использоваться учащимися в качестве стратегии построения каркаса или быть педагогическим инструментом для учителей, позволяющим расширить опыт учащихся, а также максимально вовлечь их в учебный процесс.
Ключевые слова: ролевая игра, бизнес игра, английский как иностранный язык, геймификация, коммуникативные навыки.

Organization methodology of role-playing games in middle and high school as a means of teaching oral and speech skills

Kurtvili Vladimir Dmitrievich
Master student of Institute of International Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia, Moscow

Abstract: Currently, we can see a tendency to use new approaches in learning English. In this regard, the popularity of communicative, lexical and other approaches to learning foreign languages has increased. Thus, the relevance of the issue of using gamification in the educational process has increased. The analysis of various literature proves the effectiveness of using games in teaching various subjects, including foreign languages. Role-playing games can serve various purposes: to increase the cognitive abilities of students, improve their communication skills, immersion in the language environment, working out real communicative situations, as well as working in groups. Methodically, games can be used as a scaffolding strategy by students or be a pedagogical tool for teachers to expand the experience of students, as well as maximize student engagement in the classroom.
Keywords: roleplay game, EFL, gamification, communication skills, teamwork activities.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Куртвили В.Д. Методика организации ролевых игр в средней и старшей школе как средство обучения устно-речевым умениям и навыкам // Мир педагогики и психологии: международный научно-практический журнал. 2022. № 11 (76). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/pedagogy/articles/metodika-organizatsii-rolevykh-igr-v-srednej-i-starshej-shkole-kak-sredstvo-obucheniya-ustno-rechevym-umeniyam-i-navykam.html (Дата обращения: 30.11.2022)


Today there is a trend in the development of methods and approaches in education. This paper will examine the gamification element of education in terms of the use of role-playing games that are used to develop oral-speech skills. Gamification is the strategic attempt to enhance systems, services, organizations, and activities by creating similar experiences to those experienced when playing games in order to motivate and engage users [9]. Role-playing games can be used in English classes at school, simulating a variety of activities. These can be either team or individual. Supervised or partially supervised.

In the first game, consider a team-based, partially controlled game.

Scientific novelty of the research relies developing an algorithm for the use of role-playing games in the teaching of speaking skills and on implementation them in the educational process. Role-playing provides many opportunities for student development. Through role-playing students can improve their speaking skills, increase their motivation to learn, teamwork skills, and increase their engagement in the learning process. Role-playing is one of the most effective activities that build oral-speech skills. Thus, it is possible to gradually introduce them into the learning process, starting from simple role-playing games to complex business games, which are a subtype of role-playing games.

 In this work role-playing games aim to improve speaking skills of the students. Let us analyze the concept of the speech skill.  Speech skill is a speech action that has reached a degree of perfection, the ability to carry out an operation in an optimal way.

Speech skill is a special ability of a person, which becomes possible as a result of the development of speech skills. A.A. Leontiev believes that skills are "folding of speech mechanisms", and skill is the use of these mechanisms for various purposes. Skills have stability and ability to transfer to new conditions, to new language units and their combinations, and it means that speech skills include combination of language units, application of the latter in any situations of communication and have creative, productive character. Consequently, to develop a child's language ability means to develop his or her communicative and speech skills [5, p.287]. This study examines only games that involve oral speech and list the names of games that form monologic speech, as well as team games that form dialogic speech.

The most detailed definition of a role-playing game is given by a book called "New Dictionary of Methodological Terms and Concepts": "A form of organizing collective learning activities in the classroom, which has as its goal the formation and development of speech skills and abilities in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of real communication [6, p. 264]. Role-playing refers to the game methods of training, simulating real business situations in the future professional activities of students. The role-playing method contributes to the effective formation of communicative and professional competence of a specialist [7].

According to the survey made by Guzel M. Galeeva, Ekaterina V. Martynova, Svetlana M. Peretochkina there were among 215 students of the different departments. They had different levels of English. Second-year students have already practiced immersion and communicative methods in combination with games on English lessons at the University whereas first- year students experience this for the first time. The methods above are used because earlier made comparative analysis shows greater results in language improvement of non-language faculties students [4]. In this research we use role-playing games not on adults, but on school students.

The use of role-playing games contributes to: the formation of cognitive and professional motives and interests; the education of systemic thinking of a specialist capable of self-knowledge; training in collective thinking and practical work, the formation of skills and abilities of social interaction and communication, skills of individual and joint decision-making; education of a responsible attitude to business, respect for social values and attitudes of the collective and society in in general.

Today, all teachers strive to ensure that their lessons are unique, different from others. This need is due to the development of the education system, as well as the need to use various types of activities in the classroom. Every day a teacher is faced with different situations in which he must make independent decisions in each case, be the creator of the educational process. The game accompaniment of the study of the material allows students to maintain a constant high interest in the content of the subject, activates their independent activity, forms and strengthens practical skills if it is a professional field or communication skills if it is a question of teaching a foreign language. Also, role-playing games always develop the cognitive abilities of students.

As Zolotykh N.V., Nesterenko D.I., Kadina I.V. claim, for the first time in our country the game was used in the first half of the last century to teach productive activities [1, p.79]. Most scientists-educators defined a business and role-playing game as creation of a situation of choice and decision-making, in which conditions close to real decisions are reproduced. The game contains a specific event or phenomenon to be modeled. That is, a business game is a simulation modeling of a specific life situation and the main task of the students was to show how they would behave in this or that role in solving specific production problems.

Tasks of the following types will be an example of nonconventional methods of communication of pupils in this case:

- communication games;

- communicative stimulations in role-plays and problem-solving (communicative stimulations);

- socialization (free communication) [3, p.60-61].

The mode of the game includes the following steps.   Summarizing the above, we can formulate the following stages and steps of role-playing:

1) Preparatory stage:

a) informing the participants about the upcoming game;

b) practicing elements of linguistic material in pre-speech exercises;

c) practicing the language material in speech exercises;

2) Role-playing.

3) Final stage:

a) evaluation of participants' speech activities;

b) analysis of typical speech and language mistakes;

c) discussion of communicative behavior of the game participants.

добавить информацию про внедрение игр, их использования на занятиях по английскому языку (имитации).


Materials and methods

In the experimental part of the research two groups of students will be considered: experimental group and control group.

Experimental Group


School students (6-th grade)

CEFR Level




Control Group


School students (6-th grade)

CEFR Level




Measurable variables: Lexical Competences. Students can operate with a lot of topics that “Forward” student’s book includes. There must be: “computers”, “shop”, “TV watching”, “great inventions”, “electronics”.

Grammatical Competences. Students can use appropriate grammatical constructions such as Passive voice, Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.

Students can choose appropriate transition signals for expressing addition (also, as well, and) and contrast (but, however, though).

Task of the experiment: is to conduct a series of business games that will consolidate a certain vocabulary, grammatical constructions, improve communication skills, as well as work in groups.

The concept of the game. The class of 15 people is divided into groups of 3 people. Each group acts as engineers who created their own device, and the team wins. The criteria for evaluating the winners: the use of passive voice structures (what was produced where), vocabulary (from what details), as well as how much detail is told about the gadget and the number of likes from other teams (you cannot like your gadget). Thus, the students can speak about the other subjects using English language.

Experiment stages:

Pretest (Week 1). Conducting lessons on the above topics in order to have the material on the basis of which the game will be built. This is followed by conducting a trial game on the experimental group in order to identify possible shortcomings in the organization, as well as, if necessary, adjust the rules.


Max points



The group can speak fluently;

 The group uses the appropriate lexes.


The group uses appropriate grammatical constructions and can operate them correctly.


The group answers questions correctly

The group came up with something that others like.

Control game (Week 2). The experimental and control groups receive 2 English lessons per week based on the same general English curriculum.

One of the possible threats to the successful implementation of this learning model is related to the behavior of students. If the subjects in the experimental group neglect the tasks assigned to them or do not perform them regularly, the results of the study will be compromised. To minimize the chances of failure, first a preliminary game was held, and then a control game, in which all the shortcomings were corrected.

Data interpretation (Week 2). The final stage of the experiment is the analysis of the results.

The achieved results are the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of this training technology.

Experimental results: the periodic usage of such games can help to consolidate the material passed, as well as to improve the skills of teamwork, communication, speaking skills, the involvement of students in the educational process. This role-playing game was semi-controlled and aimed to improve students’ dialogue speaking skills providing teamwork activities.

The study also worked through card role-playing games such as:

"Professions". The task is based on the theme "professions". The goal: to activate the skills of arguing and defending one's point of view, as well as practicing vocabulary on the given topic. Each participant draws a card with a profession. The task of the pupils is to describe the most important qualities and skills that a competent specialist in the field should have.

"Another Age." Another task is to practice the use of the subjunctive mood and the means of expressing modality. Each student has to draw a card with a number on it. The task is to imagine themselves younger or older and describe, given the change in age. "If I was ten years old, I would ...".

These games were aimed to improve students’ oral and speech skills in monologues.


Role-plays can be used in any part of the curriculum. They are a very valuable tool for making learning memorable by encouraging cooperation and empathy. Role-plays allow students to hear and use a foreign language in a meaningful context so they can actively use it in the future.

Role-playing demonstrates how to use language in real life with an emphasis on communication. It is the optimal combination of different teaching methods that allows making the course most effective and obtaining high results upon its completion [2, p.89]. Thus, role-playing helps to develop the skills of monological speech, teamwork, overcoming the speech barrier, practicing vocabulary and grammar. Also, the given role-playing game can improve the level of involvement of the students in the learning process. With the help of role-playing in the learning process of students, it is possible to increase their level of motivation, teamwork skills, which will undoubtedly lead to improved results in learning.


Список литературы

1. Zolotykh N.V., Nesterenko D.I., Kadina I.V. (2016). Business game as one of the forms of organization of the educational process, its structure and functions. Scientific notes of the P.F. Lesgaft University – 2016 – No.2, p. 79.
2. Chudaikina G.M., Loginova N.Yu., Kostovarova V.V. (2017). Role-playing games in teaching foreign languages: theory and practice. Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service, p. 89.
3. Kitarova G.S., Makhmet D.K. (2017). Nonconventional methods at English lessons. European research Journal, p. 60-61.
4. Galeeva G.M., Martynova E.V., Peretochkina S.V. (2016). The role of games in teaching of foreign languages. Kazan Federal University.
5. Leontiev A.A. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics. Moscow: Smysl, p. 1997. - 287.
6. Azimov E.G. (2009). New Dictionary of Methodological Terms and Concepts. Russky mir, p. 264.
7. Vorobyova Y.N. (2019) Role-playing in the course of business foreign language in a non-linguistic instituteю Philological aspect Journal.
8. Barabanova I.A. (2012). Business games in the educational process.
9. Hamari, J. (2019). Gamification. Blackwell Pub, In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Malden. pp. 1-3.

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