Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы №02 (13) Март 2022 - Апрель 2022

УДК 81-13

Дата публикации 20.04.2022

Текст как основное средство развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых специальностей

Байгушикова Акбота Мусаевна
старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, baygushikova@inbox.ru
Маукеева Айгуль Орынбасарқызы
магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, maukeeva2012@mail.ru
Кунапияева Камила Сеилхановна
старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, kunapiyaeva@inbox.ru

Аннотация: В статье говорится о тексте как об основной единице обучения русскому языку студентов неязыковой специальности. Отмечается, что, изучая и анализируя научные тексты по специальности на русском языке, студенты учатся передавать содержание текста, выделять основную и дополнительную информацию, совершенствуют навыки работы с текстами, расширяют свой словарный запас лексикой по специальности. В статье утверждается важность изучения научного стиля и рассматривается значение языковой подготовки студентов национальной аудитории в связи с тем, что в современных условиях главной задачей вузов становится подготовка высококвалифицированных научных кадров. Авторами рассматривается структурно-смысловой анализ учебно-научного текста и определяется его алгоритм.
Ключевые слова: научный текст, речевая деятельность, навыки работы с текстом, языковой материал, конкурентоспособный специалист, профессионально значимая информация, активная мыслительная работа.

Text as the main means of developing the communicative competencies of students of non-linguistic specialties

Baigushikova Akbota Musayevna
senior Lecturer, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Maukeyeva Aigul Orynbasarkyzy
master of pedagogical sciences, teacher al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Kunapiyeva Kamila Seilhanovna
senior Lecturer, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Abstract: The article refers to the text as the main unit of teaching students of a non-linguistic specialty Russian. It is noted that by studying and analyzing scientific texts in the specialty in Russian, students learn to convey the content of the text, highlight basic and additional information, improve their skills of working with texts and expand their lexicon with vocabulary in the specialty. The article asserts the importance of studying the scientific style and examines the importance of the language training of students of the national audience because in modern conditions the main task of universities is the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. The authors consider the structural and semantic analysis of the educational and scientific text and determine its algorithm.
Keywords: scientific text, speech activity, skills of working with a text, language material, competitive specialist, professionally significant information, active mental work.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Байгушикова А.М., Маукеева А.О., Кунапияева К.С. Text as the main means of developing the communicative competencies of students of non-linguistic specialties // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2022. № 02 (13). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/tekst-kak-osnovnoe-sredstvo-razvitiya-kommunikativnoj-kompetentsii-studentov-neyazykovykh-spetsialnostej.html (Дата обращения: 20.04.2022)

Russian language teaching methods as one of the most pressing problems should be considered the development of ways to teach communication in Russian, taking into account the profile of future professional activity.

The work on the development of reading skills in the first year is based on the needs of students' speech practice. The selection of texts is important in solving this problem, since the nature of the text is one of the main factors affecting the process of understanding when reading.

The ability to express your thoughts clearly and accurately, freely formulating them both orally and in writing, to defend your point of view in a reasoned manner, is necessary for a modern person. Today, when students are often faced with the inability to speak, express their thoughts clearly, this problem is particularly acute.

The methodological tool that serves as the basis for creating both a teaching and a developing speech environment in practical classes of the Russian language in non-linguistic groups is the text. In linguistics, text is defined as a category that shows language in action.

Russian language teaching methodology's main communicative goal is to teach students to read special literature, speak on professional topics, present information in writing on the specialty, i.e. to help them master the Russian language as a means of obtaining knowledge on the profile of the university. A certain role is also assigned to the development of logical thinking among students, namely, the improvement of already established mental operations and the ability to logically build their own utterance in Russian [1].

The improvement of the existing mental operations is realized in working with language and text material. Russian Russian, for example, the ability to analyze develops when studying lexical, phonetic and grammatical units of the Russian language and comparing them with similar units of the Russian and native languages, as well as with such types of work with the text as finding the basic information of a sentence, paragraph, text. The ability to classify and compare is improved when working with grammatical and lexical units, as well as when reading and listening to two close texts on similar topics [2].

Russian language classes also contribute to the development of the ability to logically express their thoughts orally and in writing. This is done in the process of performing a number of tasks related to the preparation and implementation of the statement plan. Research shows that students should operate not with individual words or a set of words, not with individual sentences or a set of sentences, but with more complex large units.

One of the tasks of teaching Russian at the university is to teach professionally oriented reading, to teach students to master scientific and technical knowledge using all means of a non–native language by improving language and communicative competence based on the scientific style, the language of the specialty. Reading is one of the most important types of speech activity, which is aimed at extracting information  from a text fixed in writing. Reading not only serves for practical mastery of Russian as a non-native language, but is also a means of learning language and culture, as well as a means of self-education. In addition, reading contributes to the development of other types of communication activities.

In this regard, in the modern methodology of teaching reading, interpretation of what has been read and on this basis, the presentation of one's thoughts has always been given an important place. In the process of reading or listening to the text, it is important to teach a student to see the main idea of the text, its logical structure, features of the use of words and sentences. It is necessary to test and excite the attention of the student with incessant questions, to stimulate penetration into the meaning of what is being read, this is what K.D.Ushinsky advised in his writings concerning the development of the native language [3].

At an advanced level, when students face complex communicative tasks, the purpose of teaching in the field of speaking is coherent speech (text), so there is a need to conduct a clearer classification within various forms of speech and determine the sequence of their study.

In Russian, the purpose of teaching advanced level students is the development and improvement of communicative competence based on the scientific style, the language of the specialty. Accordingly, the following tasks are envisaged:

- to distinguish the scientific style, its main genres and their functional purpose;

- to form the skills and abilities of working with scientific literature, with the text of the scientific style;

-to make notes of various types based on the content of the scientific text;

-to compose secondary texts of the scientific genre: annotations, summaries, abstracts, report;

- to form the skills and abilities of composing the acute scientific presentation (introduction, conclusion on the content of the abstract; review /review);

- to prepare abstracts on a specific topic for oral presentation (for presentation of a report, for participation in dialogues, polylogues);

- to correctly use the skills of oral and written scientific speech (participation in discussions, conferences, round tables, etc.).

After determining the purpose and objectives of training, materials on lexical (and grammatical) topics are selected for the course content. For example, lexical topics are presented as follows: "Science, man, society", "Science and its subspecies", "From the history of science", "The role of science at the present stage", "Science and modern technologies", "Science yesterday, today and tomorrow", "Stages of scientific knowledge", "An opening in the field of my specialty."

The use of an educational and scientific text, in which all elements of the language system are integrated, combined, synthesized, makes it possible to teach students to use a second language not only as a means of communication, but also as a means of knowing the world, mastering a future specialty [4].

Being the main unit of learning, the text performs certain functions in the process of practical mastering of the Russian language. Firstly, it acts as a standard of speech work, which a student must be able to create in productive types of speech activity, and secondly, as an integral speech work, which must be able to understand in receptive types of speech activity. In addition, the text is a source of expanding language knowledge and a basis for training language material [5].

Acquaintance with a scientific text begins with the title. To comprehend it means to take the first step towards understanding the material to be read. The title updates the student's available views on this problem. After reading it, the student compares the knowledge known to him with it, builds assumptions about the range of issues raised in the text. The preliminary work of analyzing the title of the text leads the student to a mental answer to the questions:

- What do I already know about this?

- What can be assumed based on previous knowledge?

- What can be new, unknown in this article for me?

As you can see, at the preparatory stage of the work, focused on the main activity – the analysis of a scientific text, the student is already tuning in to carefully read the new material. One of the most common methods of such work is to explain the meaning of the title of the text, an attempt to give your own title to what you read. Such mental work allows you to build a logical chain of your own reasonings based on the problem under study, to go through the same path of intellectual reflection as the author.

But recognizing the content of an article by one title is quite a difficult task. Therefore, the next stage is the analysis of a scientific text, which offers a mental prediction of answers to questions like:

- What new information can you learn by reading this article?

- What acute, important problems are outlined in it?

- What is the author's goal?

Such thinking about the text forms cognitive interest, sharpens the perception of the text, adjusts you to a certain level of intellectual difficulties associated with learning new things, contributes to the formation of the desire to understand the educational material as deeply as possible, to build your own version, a hypothesis for solving a professional problem.

When working with a scientific text, the main semantic load is carried by key words and phrases. To identify them is a necessary basis for understanding the educational material. The key words and sentences are those that carry the main charge of the text, reveal its main idea. The selection of key words, phrases in the text is accompanied by active mental work, since mutual connections, dependencies, causes of consequences are revealed, similarities and differences with already known material are established, the plausibility and reality of the stated judgments and facts are revealed. Hence the fulfillment of tasks that will help to comprehend the text. To do this, such tasks are offered as name the topic and microthemes of the text; determine the type of communicative task of the text; build a model-scheme of the text.

Russian is one of the main tasks of teaching students of non-linguistic specialties of the university is to form their ability to carry out information search for professionally relevant information in Russian. Upon completion of the Russian language course, the student must possess professionally oriented skills and abilities, all types of scientific text processing for independent work.

Today, the methodology of teaching reading texts in the specialty is based on an active approach, i.e. the mastery of reading scientific texts should be determined by professional needs and, as a consequence, by the corresponding activity. Reading texts on a certain branch of knowledge is a type of speech activity that reproduces one of the real forms of communication and leads to obtaining professionally significant information for students.

It is well known that the text is recognized as a comprehensive communicative unit of learning. Within the framework of the methods of teaching the language of the specialty, general methodological approaches to working with text are at the heart. These are educational texts, texts for speech development, texts for preparing independent work, texts for controlling knowledge, skills and exercises of a training, fixing and control nature, which are selected taking into account the faculty and the future specialty of students.

So, the text can act both as an object of observation of language facts, and as a source of expanding language knowledge, and as a model for reproduction, and as a material for training. Thus, the educational text can be intended both for the assimilation of specially selected information and for obtaining a new educational product.

Students should remember that "the scope of the scientific style is very wide. This is one of the styles that has a strong and versatile influence on the language, since continuous scientific and technological progress introduces a huge number of terms into general use" [6].

Experience confirms that the knowledge gained by students through the structural and semantic analysis of the scientific text contributes to: perception, analysis, generalization of information; increases the level of proficiency in Russian in all types of speech activity, contributes to the perception of language as the most important means of communication, and most importantly, helps to navigate the system of concepts and terms in scientific texts in the specialty; in the future be able to logically correctly, argumentatively and clearly build both oral and written speech; and finally, possess modern information techniques for improving language competence.

Russian language classes are not easy for students to get acquainted with the scientific style, and they study the language of their specialty in the system, expand their vocabulary with the vocabulary of their specialty, improve their skills with texts, get acquainted with the laws of spelling of the Russian language. In the process of working with scientific texts, they get acquainted with the methods of logical organization of the text, with the presentation of the main issues and problems of the text content, which helps to develop a thought and convey it both orally and in writing, they develop the skills of a research approach to events and surrounding phenomena. Students' participation in scientific conferences, Olympiads, and their presentations are also one of the motivating factors in mastering their scientific speech skills. All this helps the student to improve their professional level as a competitive specialist who has a high rating in the system of social values.

In conclusion, it can be noted that work on educational and scientific texts in the specialty in Russian language classes broadens the general outlook and increases erudition, arouses interest in reading scientific literature, serves as an incentive to enrich professional knowledge, contributes to the development of students' communicative competence.

Список литературы

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