Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы №04 (21) Июль 2023 - Август 2023

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Дата публикации 31.08.2023

Реализация принципа наглядности для формирования лексических навыков посредством использования комиксов на занятиях по английскому языку как иностранному

Григорова Анастасия Витальевна
магистрант института международного образования, Московский педагогический государственный университет, РФ, г. Москва
Смирнова Наталья Владимировна
канд.филол. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка и цифровых образовательных технологий, Московский педагогический государственный университет, РФ, г. Москва, Natalia22L2016@yandex.ru

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается исследование по созданию эффективной стратегии внедрения принципа визуализации на основе использования комиксов для формирования лексических навыков. Основываясь на данном подходе, исследование ставит своей задачей выявить основные характеристики лексических навыков, возможности внедрения принципа визуализации в комиксах. Статья содержит описание, типологию комиксов, исследует возможности их использования для формирования лексических навыков при обучении английскому языку как иностранному. Актуальность изучения принципа наглядности для формирования лексических навыков не вызывает сомнения. Опора на инфографику, таблицы и схемы позволяет обучающимся быстрее усвоить иноязычный материал. Комиксы, сочетая в себе визуальные эффект и текст, представляют собой уникальную форму связного повествования развлекательного характера, что делает их эффективным инструментом обучения языку. Теоретическая и практическая значимость работы определяется возможностью применения ее результатов в дальнейшем изучении стратегии внедрения принципа визуализации на основе использования комиксов для формирования иноязычных лексических навыков; а также в разработке методических пособий и учебников по английскому языку в формате комиксов или с их элементами.
Ключевые слова: принцип визуализации, комиксы, вокабуляр, лексические навыки, урок английского языка как иностранного.

Implementation of the principle of visualization for forming lexical skills through the use of comics in EFL classes

Grigorova Anastasiia Vitalievna
Master student of Institute of International Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia, Moscow
Smirnova Natalia Vladimirovna
Cand. Sci. (Philology), assistant professor of English language and IT technologies department, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia, Moscow

Abstract: This article explores the potentials of implementing the principle of visualization through the use of comics for forming lexical skills. From this point of view, the study is aimed to reveal general characteristics of lexical skills, the principle of visualization, and comics. The key features of the comics that facilitate language learning were characterized. It is also explained how comics can be harnessed to facilitate the development of lexical skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The article touches upon criteria and challenges to be considered when choosing comics for language instruction. The relevance of studying the principle of visualization for the development of lexical skills is unquestionable. Relying on infographics, tables, and diagrams allows learners to grasp foreign language material more quickly. Comics, combining visual effects and text, represent a unique form of entertaining narrative, making them an effective tool for language learning. The theoretical and practical significance of this work is determined by its potential application in further research on the implementation of the principle of visualization based on the use of comics for the development of foreign language lexical skills. Additionally, it can contribute to the development of teaching materials and textbooks for English language learning in the comic format or with elements thereof.
Keywords: principle of visualization, comics, vocabulary, lexical skills, EFL lessons.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Григорова А.В. Смирнова Н.В. Implementation of the principle of visualization for forming lexical skills through the use of comics in EFL classes // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2023. № 04 (21). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/realizatsiya-printsipa-naglyadnosti-dlya-formirovaniya-leksicheskikh-navykov-posredstvom-ispolzovaniya-komiksov-na-zanyatiyakh-po-anglijskomu-yazyku-kak-inostrannomu.html (Дата обращения: 31.08.2023)

Vocabulary is the heart of linguistic skills because it contributes to the development of receptive (reading and listening) and productive (which leads to the development of speaking and writing) skills [1]. Lexical skills can be defined as the ability to understand and use words correctly in various contexts [2]. A productive lexical skill involves the synthesized action of recalling a lexical unit to solve a communicative task (or situation) and correctly combining it with other lexical units, requiring automation and flexibility for this complex action. A receptive lexical skill involves the synthesized action of recognizing the graphic or phonetic form of a lexical unit.

Consequently, success in mastering vocabulary depends on the learner's ability to perform general educational components of lexical learning, which include observing, comparing, analyzing language phenomena, guessing the meaning of an unfamiliar lexical unit based on context or word-formation elements, and working with these units in conditional speech situations.

When developing educational programs aimed at teaching the vocabulary of a foreign language, the most universal and productive will be the use of all kinds of methods and principles that affect the senses and, first of all, the visual channel.

One such approach that has gained significant attention is the implementation of the principle of visualization in language instruction. According to, the founder of the theory of visualization as a principle, J.A. Comenius, the principle of visualization is a cognitive process that involves representing information or concepts visually to enhance understanding and communication [3]. It involves transforming abstract or complex ideas into visual forms such as diagrams, charts, maps, graphs, illustrations, presentations, cartoons, or comics.

When selecting visual aids, educators must consider both general and specific criteria. The material should be high-quality, informative, interesting, and detailed. Additionally, it should align with students' prior knowledge, be authentic and relevant, evoke personal opinions, and consider cultural similarities and differences to avoid rejection or cultural shock [4].

The benefits of visualization in language learning are numerous. It enhances sensory perception, introduces a second reality into the educational process, and fosters natural language use in both oral and written forms [3; 5; 6]. Furthermore, visualization motivates students, expands vocabulary, and stimulates mental activity, ultimately facilitating the learning process [7].

Comics, with their unique blend of visuals and text, offer a promising avenue for incorporating the principle of visualization to develop lexical skills in EFL classrooms.  A great number of interpretations of the concept of comics can be summarised in the following way: ‘Comics are a form of visual storytelling that uses a combination of illustrations and text to convey information’. They are characterized by the presence of panels, dialogue bubbles, and sequential art. Comics appeal to learners due to their engaging and entertaining nature, making them a potent tool for language acquisition [8].

The basic features of comics that facilitate language learning are given in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Key characteristics of comics that facilitate language learning

Considering the basic features in Figure 1, it is seen that comic books can provide contextualized and authentic language input, which can help learners develop their lexical skills in a meaningful way.

The results of the research have revealed clearly that when forming either receptive or productive lexical skills the comics can be applied effectively.

Here are some examples of the tasks that can be incorporated to form receptive lexical skills:

Sequential Summaries: Choose a longer comic or a series of comic strips with a continuous storyline. After reading each section, create a concise summary of the events using your own words. Focus on capturing the main plot points, character developments, and key interactions. This exercise enhances your ability to extract essential information and improve your summarization skills.

Visual Inference Challenge: Select a comic strip that contains minimal dialogue but relies heavily on visual cues to convey information. Examine the illustrations closely and try to infer the story, characters' emotions, and relationships solely from the images. Write a paragraph or short story based on your interpretations. This task sharpens your inference skills and encourages you to deduce context and meaning from visual elements.

Caption-Character Matching: Opt for a comic strip that features multiple characters and their dialogues or thoughts. Cut out the captions or speech bubbles and mix them up. Your task is to match each caption with the correct character or scene based solely on the language used. This exercise challenges your ability to identify character voices and language patterns, thereby improving your receptive lexical skills.

Emotionally Charged Vocabulary: Choose a comic strip that portrays strong emotions, such as anger, joy, or surprise. As you read through the comic, make note of the specific words or phrases used to express these emotions. Create a vocabulary list organized by emotions, including synonyms and related words. Then, use these words to write short passages or dialogues that convey the same emotions. This exercise enhances your ability to understand nuanced emotional language.

Exercises for developing productive lexical skills:

Dialogue Deconstruction: Choose a comic strip with a conversation between characters. Read through the dialogue carefully, noting the idiomatic expressions, slang, and informal language used. Identify the context in which each phrase is used. Then, rewrite the dialogue in a more formal tone while retaining the essence of the conversation. This exercise helps you understand colloquial language and practice transforming it into more sophisticated vocabulary.

Visual Vocabulary Expansion: Select a comic that features a variety of settings, characters, and objects. As you read, identify any unfamiliar words that are related to these elements. Create a visual vocabulary map by drawing the objects, characters, or scenes and labeling them with their corresponding English terms. This exercise aids in associating visual cues with new words, enhancing both your lexical and visual memory.

Synonym Scavenger Hunt: Read a comic and choose a specific character or concept that appears frequently throughout the story. Create a list of synonyms for that character or concept by using a thesaurus. Then, rewrite the comic's captions or speech bubbles using these synonyms interchangeably. This exercise challenges you to find multiple ways to express the same idea, expanding your lexicon and reinforcing the importance of context.

Mood and Tone Analysis: Pick a comic strip with a specific emotional tone, such as humor, suspense, or melancholy. Read the comic while paying attention to the language choices that contribute to the overall mood. Analyze how the dialogue, captions, and visual elements work together to create that emotional atmosphere. Try to recreate a similar mood by writing a short scene or dialogue that captures the essence of the comic's tone. This task hones your ability to convey emotions through precise word choices.

When choosing comics for language instruction, educators should consider several criteria. The comic book should be appropriate for the language level of the students, ensuring that the language complexity matches their proficiency range. Simple and relevant drawings that align with the lesson's objectives are crucial for facilitating comprehension. Moreover, the chosen comic book should reflect the culture of the target language, exposing learners to the customs, traditions, and social norms of the language speakers. Authentic language use, including dialogues, expressions, and idioms commonly used by native speakers, should be present in the comic book to support learners' linguistic development.

An engaging storyline with colorful illustrations and an interesting plot will keep learners motivated to read and learn. Additionally, short comics consisting of 3 to 5 frames are preferred for second language education, as they are more manageable and suitable for language learners [9].

While comics present valuable opportunities for language learning, there are challenges to be considered. The range of available comic books may not cover all topics in the curriculum, and finding comics with appropriate language complexity for learners at different proficiency levels can be challenging.

Integrating comics into language instruction requires well-trained teachers who can effectively use this medium in the classroom. Teacher training and appropriate pedagogical strategies, including pre-reading activities, guided reading, and post-reading activities, are essential for maximizing the language learning potential of comics [10].

Authenticity and cultural sensitivity are also important considerations. Not all comics accurately represent everyday language used by native speakers, and cultural nuances depicted in comics may not always align with the learners' cultural background [11]. Teachers should guide learners to interpret these aspects critically and contextually.

All of the above allows the conclusion that through the use of comics, learners not only improve their vocabulary but also gain insights into the cultural aspects of the target language. As educators continue to explore innovative methods to enhance language acquisition, incorporating comics into EFL classes proves to be an effective and enjoyable approach.

Список литературы

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