Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы Апрель-Май 2021, №6 (9)
УДК 81-139
Дата публикации 21.05.2021
Метод погружения в изучении английского языка
Базарбаева Лаура Тайтулеувна
ст. преподаватель, магистр кафедры иностранных и русского языков, Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза, Казахстан, г. Караганда
Гайнутдинова Гульфия Фаисовна
ст. преподаватель, магистр кафедры иностранных и русского языков, Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза, Казахстан, г. Караганда
Лапина Ирина Викторовна
ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных и русского языков, Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза, Казахстан, г. Караганда
Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена способам создания иноязычной среды при изучении иностранного языка. По основным принципам методики погружения, человек, изучающий иностранный язык, вынужден использовать его постоянно. Иностранный язык является единственным средством общения и получения информации. К сожалению, не очень много людей могут себе позволить жить в стране изучаемого языка. В этой статье даны эффективные способы, как окружить обучаемого иноязычной средой, если нет возможности постоянно находиться в стране изучаемого языка.
Ключевые слова: подход, изучение английского языка, метод погружения, англоговорящее окружение, первые шаги улучшить навыки английского языка.
Senior teacher, Master of Foreign and Russian languages chair, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Senior teacher, Master of Foreign and Russian languages chair, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Senior teacher of Foreign and Russian languages chair, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Abstract: The article considers the ways of creating a foreign language environment when learning a foreign language. According to the basic principles of the immersion methodology, a person has to use a foreign language he learns. That is the only means of communication and obtaining information. There are not so many people who can afford living abroad in order to learn a foreign language. This article provides effective ways to surround the learner with a foreign language environment, if it is not possible to live in the country of the language being studied.
Keywords: approach, English learning, method of immersion, English speaking environment, first steps to improve English skills.
Базарбаева Л.Т., Гайнутдинова Г.Ф., Лапина И.В. Method of immersion in English learning // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2021. № 06 (09). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/metod-pogruzheniya-v-izuchenii-anglijskogo-yazyka.html (Дата обращения: 21.05.2021)
Nowadays it’s known that if you are trying to learn any foreign language, then one of the most effective ways is to surround yourself with that language, immerse yourself in it with your head. Like in a swimming situation: it can be very difficult at the beginning, but you'll soon find out that you have most of the skills you need to survive. Once you realize that you can survive, you will learn more and more. And soon you will notice, even unexpectedly for yourself, that you can already understand everything and speak like native speakers.
This method is very popular today and called the immersion method [1].
The immersion method is based on the fact that a student should be immersed in a language, even when he is not engaged in the language itself. In this article we consider the immersion method for English learning. For this purpose you should do as many things in English as possible. In English classes where this method is used, even other subjects are taught in English.
The best way to achieve complete immersion in the language is to study or live in an English-speaking country. However, if you make a little effort, you will be able to immerse yourself in the language at home. Surround yourself with English in your own home, and then you can learn English even faster.
The immersion method has many advantages. If you use it at home, it will only become more effective. Here are a few reasons to explain the effectiveness of this method:
- you practice more: when you have to speak English, you get a lot of practice in your daily life;
- you practice more enthusiastically: this means that even when you are not practicing, you are taking advantage of the method as the language surrounds you;
- this activates the material that you have already learned: in other words, you are forced to apply your knowledge in communication;
- this is a natural way of learning: children learn to speak in a language environment. They learn vocabulary and grammar just by listening to the speech around them. The immersion method forces you to learn just like that, without even noticing how much you are actually learning [2].
If you create a language immersion environment at home, you won't even need to go anywhere to study; you'll always be surrounded by English at home. This is an awesome way to get more English practice at home. But how do you turn your home into a language immersion environment?
The first step is to start with your devices. What language is your Facebook page in? What about the smartphone interface? We can connect to the Internet anywhere, but it is also an important part of our home activities. So you should start diving into the English language with your life on the Internet. It's time to change the system language of your smartphone, browser, and social media pages to English. So a foreign language will always be in front of your eyes. It's also a great way to learn new words: you already know how they are translated, and now you will see their English equivalent.
The second step is to use an English-to-English dictionary. If you used to resort to an English dictionary with a translation into your native language, find an English-English dictionary instead [3]. These are the dictionaries that native speakers use to search for unfamiliar words in their language. Your goal is to use English all the time and translating from one language to another and back will only slow you down.
It is clear that some dictionaries give definitions of quite complex words. But there is no reason to give up, because there are many excellent dictionaries adapted for students of English as a foreign language, from which you can choose the appropriate option.
Another option that you can use to learn English words in English is the Visual Thesaurus. This is a visual dictionary where you can learn words that are similar to each other. The Visual Dictionary shows the connection between words. You can see how the words relate to each other, even if you don't understand everything you read because this information is presented visually.
It is very important if it is possible to determine the time and place where you will use only English. Just choose one or two hours a day when you will be immersed in the English language. And then honestly be a part of it. This means that you can only speak, read, and write in English at this time. It will be difficult at first, but you will get used to it.
The more space around you is filled with English, the more effective this method will be for you. Will your whole home be filled with English-language books, movies, music, and other "educational" materials? Well, this is the best possible situation. If you want to be constantly surrounded by the English language, you can choose a certain room in your house and turn it into an island of English language and culture [4]. Every time you enter this room, your brain will receive the command «it’s time to switch to English!»
The next step is to fill the house with English-language reading materials. Replace some books and magazines with English-language equivalents. You can check if the book has an English translation. Some of the great books you have at home are children's books and the latest bestsellers. One example of great books that are worth buying is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone” and “The Hunger Games". These are two popular series that you could already read in your native language. Subscribe to an English magazine or newspaper. You can find options for good English-language magazines for every taste in this article. The British newspaper “The Guardian” delivers newspapers to some other countries, and some services like this deliver newspapers almost anywhere in the world. Many magazines, including the classical edition of “TIME” magazine, deliver their issues only in the United States, but you can find a digital version in the iOS app store or on Google Play.
Many people know that watching movies in the language helps in learning. But it is very important to turn off subtitles in your native language when you watch TV series and shows. Instead, use English subtitles, if it is difficult without them at all [5]. Spoken and written English are processed in different parts of the brain, so by removing subtitles, you give the brain a workout. After all, there are no subtitles in real life. This will prepare you to understand real conversations.
It's okay to study alone, but if you study with someone else, it will be even better. Get a couple of friends involved in your new English immersion project, and you'll only benefit. So you can help each other follow the rules (for example, you will be told when you use a word of your native language instead of English, which you forgot), and the learning process as a whole will become more fun. If none of your friends learn English, you can find someone online through any language exchange app. Find an online English tutor and ask them to speak only English to you. The more people who work with you, creating an atmosphere of immersion in the English language, the easier it will be to achieve this.
What language do you write in? If you usually write in your native language, then it's time to change that, too. Use English when writing down something, from your shopping list to your study notes. Let's define English words in English (do not forget to use English-English dictionaries for this). Every time you write something down, try to do it in English. You already use your conversational skills to communicate with your language learning partners. You practice your reading skills with books, magazines, and digital devices. And now, by taking notes in English, you will also train your writing skills.
You don't need to write essays and whole paragraphs. You'll be surprised how effective one-or two-word notes can be for learning English. Sign home appliances and furniture if you find it difficult to remember their names in English. Stick a piece of paper with the word “toilet” on the toilet door, a piece of paper with the word “mirror” on the mirror in your bedroom. One of the easiest ways is to order a set of such stickers, lexical stickers. Stick a list of vocabulary words to the toilet or bathroom door so that you can learn them when you have a free minute. Place lists of words associated with each room around the house. Or just lay out random words where you will see them, for example, over the coffee machine. Even if you don't read these words, you will notice them, and then your brain will remember “Oh, right! We're using English now”
The most difficult thing is to start thinking in English. Whether to take this last step is up to you. Once your house is ready, your goal is to start thinking in English. This is not always easy, and you will have to make an extra effort on your part. Instead of translating everything in your head, try using English. If you're having trouble doing this, start with a few minutes a day. Spend a little time each day planning your day in English, or some time in the evening to reflect on how your day was. The more time you spend in a place where the English language reigns, the easier it will be for you to think in English. Once you learn to think in English, you will take a huge step towards starting to speak like native speakers.
Using the immersion method to learn a language is not easy, but it is very productive. The use of various training methods helps to make this time-consuming process more efficient.