Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы №05 (28) Сентябрь 2024 - Октябрь 2024
УДК 372.881.1
Дата публикации 31.10.2024
Использование минглинг-аудирования для развития навыков аудирования
Колмакова Виктория Сергеевна
Старший преподаватель кафедры Иностранные языки, Севастопольский государственный университет, РФ, г. Севастополь, vskolmakova@sevsu.ru
Скоробогатова Анна Сергеевна
Старший преподаватель кафедры Иностранные языки, Севастопольский государственный университет, РФ, г. Севастополь, asskorobogatova@sevsu.ru
Аннотация: В данной статье предлагается новый подход для развития навыков аудирования студентов, изучающих иностранные языки, получивший название минглинг-аудирование. Минглинг-аудирование подразумевает активное взаимодействие с несколькими аудио источниками одновременно в течение занятия, имитируя реальные сценарии, в которых люди сталкиваются с различными моделями речи и темами и тем самым подготавливает студентов к аутентичной коммуникации. В статье рассматривается обоснование метода минглинг-аудирование, практическое применение в различных учебных контекстах, возможные недостатки и потенциальные преимущества. В заключении авторы предлагают стратегию, как повысить вовлеченность студентов, способствовать активному обучению и совершенствовать навыки аудирования.
Ключевые слова: аудирования, изучение языка, минглинг-аудирование, активное вовлечение, аутентичная коммуникация.
Senior lecturer of Foreign languages department, Sevastopol State University, Russia, Sevastopol
Senior lecturer of Foreign languages department, Sevastopol State University, Russia, Sevastopol
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel approach to enhance listening skills in language learners, termed mingling listening. This method encourages active engagement with multiple auditory inputs during a single learning session, simulating real-world scenarios where individuals encounter diverse speech patterns and topics. The article explores the rationale behind mingling listening, its practical application in various learning contexts, possible drawbacks and potential benefits for language acquisition. The bottom line is the authors give a valuable guide how to foster active learning, promote collaboration and hone listening skills.
Keywords: listening skills, language learning, mingling listening, active engagement, authentic communication.
Колмакова В.С., Скоробогатова А.С. How to hone listening skills through mingle listening // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2024. № 05 (28). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/ispolzovanie-mingling-audirovaniya-dlya-razvitiya-navykov-audirovaniya.html (Дата обращения: 24.10.2024)
Listening comprehension is a critical skill in language acquisition, enabling learners to understand spoken language, extract meaning from spoken discourse, and respond appropriately in various communication contexts. Traditional listening exercises often focus on isolated listening tasks, presenting learners with a single audio input at a time. While such exercises are valuable for developing foundational listening skills, they may not adequately prepare learners for the dynamic and multi-faceted nature of real-world listening experiences.
In contrast to traditional listening, mingling listening is a method of enhancing listening comprehension skills by exposing learners to multiple auditory inputs simultaneously. This creates a more dynamic and engaging learning environment, mimicking real-world communication where individuals constantly encounter diverse voices, accents, and topics. Mingling listening encourages active engagement and promotes the development of crucial skills such as selective attention, auditory discrimination, and rapid processing of information [1].
Mingling listening can be effectively implemented in various learning contexts, from classroom settings to self-directed learning environments. The most fruitful examples are enlisted from our empirical experience.
For instance: speed listening, where students rotate between different audio stations, each playing a distinct audio clip. Students listen to snippets of conversations, news reports, or even songs, and note down key information or answer comprehension questions.
One can diversify it, imagine a classroom where students actively participate in a dynamic learning process, piecing together information from different sources, building understanding through cooperation, and honing their listening skills. This is the essence of Jigsaw mingling listening, a collaborative approach that transforms passive listening into an engaging and effective learning experience [2]. Let us elaborate on implementing jigsaw listening.
- Divide and Conquer: divide the listening text into several segments and assign each segment to a different group of students.
- Expert Groups: each group focuses on their assigned segment, listening, discussing, and analyzing key information.
- Expert Sharing: each group has mastered their segment; they share their knowledge with the class, explaining the main points, vocabulary, and any relevant details.
- Putting the pieces together: students work together to piece together the information from all the segments, building a complete understanding of the listening text.
Such key elements as collaborative learning and active engagement are obvious, but we would like to highlight one more crucial point as differentiation. Hence, the activity can be tailored to different skill levels by adjusting the complexity of the listening text and the depth of analysis [3].
The next sample of jigsaw mingling listening is Storytelling Relay Race: students work in groups, with each member contributing a portion of a story. This encourages attentive listening and collaborative storytelling. As a result, the collaborative nature of the activity fosters a supportive environment, boosting students' confidence in their listening abilities.
Interactive dialogue simulation: students participate in role-playing scenarios, engaging in conversations that simulate real-world interactions.
Multi-Audio streaming: learners can simultaneously listen to different audio sources, such as podcasts, audiobooks, and music. Taking into account our teaching experience, multi-audio streaming is a powerful tool that can transform ears into a listening gym. Let us exemplify it: students of the 2 second course (B2) were listening to diverse 2 minutes’ news while simultaneously enjoying the soothing sounds of nature, and then they were to mingle to make a news program. This is the essence of multi-audio streaming, where you play multiple audio sources simultaneously, creating a unique auditory experience. This method isn't just about enjoying multiple audio sources at once; it's about actively training your ears to process information from different sources, fostering a richer understanding of auditory landscapes. By actively listening to two sources, students develop the ability to filter out distractions and concentrate on specific information. This translates to improved focus in real-life situations, like meetings or conversations [4, 5].
Afterwards, if learners are ready to master listening skills autonomously, they may apply learning apps. Many language learning apps incorporate mingling listening through activities such as interactive dialogues, quizzes, and games that require listening to multiple voices or different segments of audio.
It’s worth mentioning the potential benefits of mingling listening while learning a foreign language. Firstly, exposure to a variety of auditory stimuli promotes the development of listening comprehension skills and equips learners to navigate diverse and complex listening environments. Secondly, mingling listening trains the ear to distinguish between different voices, accents, and speech patterns. Thirdly, mingling listening often incorporates interactive elements and engaging activities, making the learning process more enjoyable and stimulating, leading to increased motivation and sustained engagement. Finally, mingling listening simulates real-world communication, providing learners with a more authentic and relevant learning experience, mirroring the constant stream of auditory input we encounter daily. This can help bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application [6].
However, certain teachers believe it can be a double-edged sword like any innovative approach; it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered. To begin with, students might face a cognitive overload as exposure to a multitude of auditory inputs can be overwhelming for some learners, especially those with limited listening comprehension skills. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and a decline in learning effectiveness. What is more, mingling listening requires learners to develop selective attention skills to filter out irrelevant information and focus on the desired audio input. This can be challenging, particularly for learners with weak auditory processing abilities. Additionally, maintaining control over the multiple auditory inputs can be challenging in a classroom setting. Ensuring that all learners are appropriately engaged and challenged with the chosen materials requires careful planning and implementation [7]. The bottom line, mingling listening often necessitates the use of various audio sources and technologies, unfortunately, not all teachers have such facilities.
Taking into consideration the above mentioned, the advantages of mingling listening are significant, however, it is pivotal to acknowledge its potential drawbacks, as implementing this method successfully requires a nuanced understanding of its implications.
- Targeted Implementation: mingling listening should be introduced gradually and strategically, starting with shorter and simpler activities, gradually increasing complexity as learners become more comfortable.
- Individualized support: recognizing learners' individual strengths and weaknesses is crucial. Offering personalized support and additional resources for those who struggle with cognitive overload can enhance the learning experience [8].
- Clear goals and objectives: define clear learning objectives for each mingling listening activity to ensure that learners understand the desired outcomes and can effectively engage with the material.
- Teacher guidance and feedback: a skilled instructor plays a critical role in guiding learners through the process, providing feedback, and addressing any difficulties they may encounter [9, 10].
To put it under umbrella, mingling listening offers a promising pathway towards improving listening comprehension skills, but it requires a balanced strategy. By carefully considering the potential benefits and drawbacks, educators and learners can maximize the effectiveness of this innovative method, creating a more immersive, engaging, and ultimately, successful language learning experience. By transforming passive listening into an engaging and participatory experience, it empowers students to become active learners, unlocking the potential of collaborative learning for effective language acquisition.
Список литературы
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