Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы Февраль-Март 2021, №5 (8)

УДК 371.3

Дата публикации 31.03.2021

Инновационные методы обучения английскому языку

Алиева Адиля Рустамовна
Старший преподаватель кафедры Лингвистики, Институт Манасоведения и Лингвистики, Кыргызский Госсударственный Университет им.И. Арабаева, г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан

Аннотация: В данной статье описан нетрадиционный подход инновационного метода обучения английскому языку. Данная статья описывает современные методы обучения, а так же то, как эффективно и увлекательно можно обучать.
Ключевые слова: нетрадиционный метод, аналитическое мышление, современная методология, традиционное, инновационное.

Innovative methods of teaching English

Alieva Adilya Rustamovna
Senior lecturer of Institute Manasology and Linguistics, I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Abstract: This article describes non-traditional approach of innovative methods of teaching English language. This article characterizes modern methods of teaching and how we can make our teaching very effective and amazing.
Keywords: non-traditional method, analytical thinking, modern methodology, traditional, innovative.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Алиева А.Р. Innovative methods of teaching English // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2021. № 05 (08). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/innovative-methods-of-teaching-english.html Дата обращения: 31.03.2021)

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.”

Alexandra K. Trenfor


The teaching of foreign languages is most of all done traditionally, where the main role is teacher-centered. This traditional method is completely opposite to modern, innovative methods of teaching languages. It predisposes more to modern student- centered applications and techniques. Furthermore the teaching methods used are differing in terms of the degree of the impact on active learning.

The aim of this article is to present "modern methodology" for teaching and learning the foreign language as well as to reveal and prove a set of effective pedagogical conditions for learning languages. One of the aims of any methodology in foreign language teaching is to improve the foreign language ability of the student.

However, traditional methodology is based largely on a reduction of the integrated process of using a foreign language. A very typical feature of traditional methodology is the teacher - dominated interaction. The teaching is deeply teacher-centered [1]. Unlike traditional methodology, modern methodology is much more student-centered. The teacher's main role is to help learning to happen, which includes involving students in what is going on by enabling them to work at their own speed, by not giving long explanations, by encouraging them to participate, talk, interact, and do things [2].

Nowadays the pandemic situation divides our life into before and now, the education system was also influenced by this situation. At the onset of the pandemic teachers were faced with the problem of how to carry on teaching .We had to find tools and resources and learn a lot of new innovative methods. It was quite daunting. And on the other hand, with a number of educational options available before the present generation learners, the newer methods and techniques seem to have emerged in the field of education that have entirely changed the face of traditional system of education, this indicates the acuteness of this article. But in spite of it the biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each student’s attention, and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression. As teachers we should implement some innovative ways and ideas that make the classroom experience much more enjoyable for our students. First of all the main and key thing is motivation, that is one of the most vital component of modern methodology in determining successful acquisition of knowledge. According to Dörnyei motivation is the process where by a certain amount of instigation force arises, initiates action, and persists, and it provides the learners the primary stimuli for initiating second language learning [3]. In other words, motivation can be seen as a force that moves a learner to initiate an action and to keep on until the goals are achieved. Here are some not so commonly used non-traditionally approaches of innovative methods which can highly motivate learners.

So the first top is using high-tech gadgets during the lesson. Every other teacher suffers from the students, who are chatting and doing something during a lesson, but there are two sides to that coin, and we can turn it to our advantage. With gadgets, teachers reinforce unrivaled flexibility, tools, and mobility in the teaching process. Teachers can easily control all of their lessons, content, schedules, and educational apps from a single device, whether in the classroom or out. As for learners it can be useful to use not only using lingo-dictionary in translation, but also using educational platforms, which can be so handful in learning foreign language. To sum up, technology provides interaction between teachers and learners ensure comprehensible input and output, helps learners to develop thinking skills, makes learning and teaching becomes more student-centered.

The rapid growth of technology has brought lots of innovations in education. And the next stimulating, enjoyable and productive way of learning is from films. Using audio-visual tools to facilitate the teaching process can be productive and fruitful. As defined by Jane Sherman: ‘films are an inclusive piece of students’ lives today so it makes perfect sense to integrate them into the language classroom’ ,it follows that films are a useful means for learners to listen to authentic spoken communication and be exposed to various features of speaking such as vocabulary, pronunciation, voice modulation and accent. There are a number of educational films and teachers could use them to initiate or stimulate discussion about a certain focus area. (It can be different movies; science fiction, cartoon, western or rom com, it depends on the level and the age. Trying to understand a student does his best, and of course while working he is motivated by teacher. And the main thing is developing their listening and speaking abilities .Every teacher can adopt this technique for himself. For instance to add speaking part after watching a movie, so you can give any task- to write the meaning of the part they have watched already).

In order to solve problems and have innovative activities to reach out to students, an instructor has to be creative. Creativity is the process of turning imaginative ideas into reality. For this, creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing; and adds that innovation is the production or implementation of an idea, so here we talk about critical thinking, that is one’s ability to deeply evaluate how you see things, especially problems and difficult situations, for one thing this technique is close to a psychological approach, but widely spread in methodology particular in teaching language. Using Critical thinking you can develop strategies like speaking skill, and there are lots of benefits like: it enhances creativity, it reinforces problem solving ability, develop a number of skills as analytical thinking, evaluative skills, logical thinking and etc.

 Well, as you can see the role of innovative techniques and methods which were given above not only motivate learners, as well as due to them they can improve first of all the main four skills which are very important in knowing a language.

Список литературы

1. KellyA.V. Teaching mixed ability classes: an individualized approach. London: Harper & Row Ltd. (1974).
2. Ur P. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1991).
3. DÖRNYEI, Z. Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Barcelona: UOC, 2005

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