Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки | Филологический аспект №03 (83) Март 2022

УДК 81

Дата публикации 21.03.2022

Уровень использования частиц в историческом произведении под названием «Тухфат-уль-хони» Мухаммадвафои Карминаги

Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович
старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка ГОУ «Худжандский государственный университет имени академика Б.Гафурова», Худжанд, Таджикистан

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается уровень использования частиц в историческом произведении под названием «Тухфат-уль-хони» Мухаммадвафои Карминаги. Отмечено, что частицы достаточно редко употребляются по сравнению с другими вспомогательными частями речи численно. На основе соответствующей исторической продукции автор статьи исследует роль и место частиц с точки зрения их функции и значения, а также с учетом их отличительных особенностей. Вкратце автор статьи делает вывод о том, что соответствующая часть речи употребляется реже других, что доказывает ее принадлежность к языку нового периода.
Ключевые слова: частицы, сравнительный и статистический методы, таджикский литературный язык, исторический труд, «Тухфат-ул-хони» Мухаммадфавои Карминаги.

The Level of Usage of Particles in the historical work entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafoi Karminagi

Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich
senior lecturer of the department of English language under the SEI “Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov”, Khujand, Tajikistan

Abstract: The article dwells on the level of usage of particles in the historical work entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafoi Karminagi. It is noted that particles are rather rarely used in comparison with other auxiliary parts of speech numerically. Based on the relevant historical work the author of the article canvasses the role and place of particles in terms of their function and meaning and their distinctive peculiarities being taken into account as well. In a nutshell, the author of the article makes an inference that the relevant part of speech is used less than other ones and it proves the fact of its being a product of the new period of language.
Keywords: particles, comparative and statistical methods, Tajik literary language, historical work, “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadfavoi Karminagi.

Правильная ссылка на статью
Ашрапов Б.П. Уровень использования частиц в историческом произведении под названием «Тухфат-уль-хони» Мухаммадвафои Карминаги // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. 2022. № 03 (83). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/philology/articles/uroven-ispolzovaniya-chastits-v-istoricheskom-proizvedenii-pod-nazvaniem-tukhfat-ul-khoni-mukhammadvafoi-karminagi.html (Дата обращения: 21.03.2022 г.)

Introduction: The study and consideration of new various periods of the development of the history of the Tajik literary language depend on surveying both authoritative prosaic and poetic works referring to the periods of the VIII-IX centuries up to now, in particular, as «in general, the history of literary language can be established on the basis of great men-of-letters` creations» [1; 2; 3]. It is worth mentioning that “determining different periods of the history of the language and its high points of development based on both scientific-historical traces and artistic ones we proceed from the assumption of the actual issues in the field of Tajik linguistics” [4, p.102].

It is common knowledge that particles are considered to be ones of the auxiliary parts of speech serving to give various shades of meaning to a sentence or its individual members “as a means of expression of the spirit of language creating its freshness, accurateness, concise and deep reflection. In general, they play an important role in the people`s spiritual life” [5, p.17].

In conformity with academician V.V. Vinogradov`s statement concerned with the theme explored one can assert that “particles usually refer to a group of words that do not possess a complete real or material meaning, however, it gives additional shades of meanings to a word, group of words, a phrase and sentence, first of all, or it expresses different grammatical relations, such as logical and expressive ones accordingly. The lexical meaning of these words promotes their grammatical, logical or expressive-stylistic functions. Hereby, their semantic volume is very large. Their lexical and grammatical meanings are constantly changing in terms of syntactic usage” [6, p.215].

M. Kosimova in her outstanding work which covers the materials belonging to the IX-th – the X-th centuries lays an emphasis upon the idea that thousand years ago particles were frequently resorted to and she divided them into five groups according to their meaning: 1. affirmative particles; 2. negative particles; 3. emphasizing particles; 4. interrogative particles; 5. conditional-modal particles [5, p.216-217]. In reference to it, researcher G. Kamolova classifies particles, words and modal phrases of “Majmu-ut-taworikh” in terms of their function and meaning into three subgroups: 1. Emphasizing particles; 2. particles denoting etymological and approximate meanings and 3. particles that convey the meaning of necessity with the shades of resolution and inevitability [7‚ p.88].

The object of the corpus of our study constitutes some considerations beset with the level of usage of particles in the Tajik literary language referring to the XVIII-th century (on the materials of the historical work entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafoi Karminagi) [8].

The subject of the corpus of our study is the historical work referred to as “Tuhfat-ul-knoni” belonging to the XVIII-th century and depicting different historic events of the Manghtys` state.

The aim of the corpus of our study includes the following items:

  • to dwell on the role and place of particles in terms of their function and meaning;
  • to compare the relevance of the theme explored with modern Tajik literary language;
  • to canvass some distinctive peculiarities of particles.

Obviously, particles are rarely-used in comparison with other auxiliary parts of speech numerically. The relevant unit of language is not frequently used and being non-productive one in the historical work entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”. However, the importance of the study of this part of speech is not diminished in this case, as particles are also a part of the lexical structure of the language.

The adduced considerations and observations show that in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” particles can be divided into the following subgroups in terms of function and meaning:

1) Negative particles: - as a rule, negative particles, such as “na=no, not; ne=no, not and hech=any” appear to give a negative tone to the sentence. The scholar in linguistic studies, O. Sulaymonov, (on the example of “Ta`rikhi Bayhaqi”) underscores on the issue in question the fact that “namely the particle “na=no, not” comes as a negative one in our historical work under study” [9, p.139]. The above-mentioned particle serves as a main means of negative sentences formation and it is resorted to in compound verbs mostly. It is worth stressing that the particle “na=no, not” which responds to the negative one in modern Tajik literary language does not occur in the corpus of our study to perform such function at all .

a) This negative particle is used only 5 times in the work. One of the distinctive peculiarities of “ne=no, net” is that it serves only as a negative element of the sentence: …ba juz lutfi hazrati korsozi qavivu zarif, bal vazi`vu sharifi in viloyatro hech vasilae dastgir ne (10, 32/59‚ 58/111‚ 58/111‚ 275/547).

b) It is known that the particle “hech=any” is usually used to strengthen negative expression. “This stylistic element of the language does not possess a specific meaning individually; it is mostly used to express a negative tone” [11, p.62]. As well as, the particle in question in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” suggests only a hint of impossibility to carry out the action preceding a negative predicative: Ba`d az in tafriqa, ki dar hoshiyai khayoli hech ahade naqshpazir nabud, har favje ruy ba nohiyate ovardand va har gurue ba viloyate rakhti firor kashidand (11, 26/47‚ 28/52‚ 32/59‚ 56/108‚ 95/188‚ 120/238).

2. Affirmative particles: It is worth mentioning that in the historical work under consideration common affirmative particles of modern Tajik literary language, such as ore=yeah, ha=yes, bale=yeah, rost=truth, ba rosti=of course and albatta=certainly are not illustrated at all. Because the work explored is considered to be a courtier historical work, therefore, Muhammadvafoi Karminagi in response to the court etiquette of the emirs and nobles refrained from resorting to such particles. The author uses Arabic words and phrases instead of affirmative particles which reproduce the affirmative tone:

а) Alhaq = ba rosti=of course: Alhaq, qal`aest, ki kungurai rif`atash panjai hamsari ba domoni sahob zada va gardani sarfarozi chun zabonai nor bar falaki davvor kashida… (11, 158/313‚ 83/163).

b) Alhaq = albatta=certainly: Alhaq, in nuzuli muborakfarjom oghoze bud az iqboli masarratsaranjom… (11, 7/11).

c) The Arabic word “lojaram”=truly: lo – negative particle and the meaning of jurm (noun) is “sin”. In the Tajik language it is used in the form of lajaram and in the sense expressed by lexical units, as follows: rosti, ba rosti and albatta: …surati uro ba khil`ati ehtiromu buzurgi oroish namuda, bar masnadi takhtozmoi rasonad, lojaram ruz ba ruz osori futuhoti nomi va anvoi murodoti kiromi bar chehrai omol va tamannoi u kushuda… (11, 59/113); …lojaram tazabzuby (to move – A.B.) pareshonii ahvoli khudro dar mir`oti mulohaza muoyana dida, dasti jur`atu tajosur ba muhorabai on sipohi kavokibishtiboh yozidand (11, 37/70‚ 45/86‚ 148/294‚ 199/396‚ 210/417‚ 221/440‚ 267/532).

3. Interrogative particle: In modern Tajik literary language there is a number of interrogative particles, such as -mi?‚ -chi?‚ -a?‚ (-ya?) oyo, magar, nakhod, nakhodki, na in ki denoting interrogative meaning [12‚ p.331]. It should be noted that in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” there is only an interrogative particle -chi? (once): Dar in hangom ovoze az jonibi ghayb be shoibai payb ba gushi hushi muborizon rasida, ki “daroyand ba kal`a, chi joyi tavaqquf ast? (11, 134/265).

4. Modal particles: In conformity with the Persian language researcher Yu.A. Rubinchik`s opinion runs to the effect that most of modal particles are derived from other parts of speech and primarily from the verb [11, p.336]. The relevant group of particles in the Tajik literary language as an auxiliary part of speech does not have a long history [13, p.70] and is a product of a new stage in the development of our mother tongue. Into the bargain, the particle hamono occurred twice and mabodo used only once are rare in the historical work in question:

a) Hamano = guyo: Hamono dar in hangom irodai maliki qadir ba jihati anvoi tarbiyat va ishfoqi in nakhli barumandi ofoq silsilai qazovu qadar dar harakat ovarad… (11, 48/92, 258/514).

b) Mabodo: …dar maoriki korzor foiq bar aqronu amsol va …dar on chahordevor khazida bud, ba khafi on, ki mabodo ghalabavu jujumi qushunoti zafarluzum bar maforiqi mardumi boghotu mahalloti khoriji kal`a roh yobad… (11, 123/243).

5. Emphasizing particles: Muhammadvafoi Karminagi also used certain particles preserved in modern Tajik literary language, such as: niz=also, boz=as well and ham=as well as. It should be noted that the relevant types of particles are traditionally used to emphasize individual speech or a whole sentence, or to reinforce the effect of speech. Although their number is less in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”, but these above-mentioned particles, including niz are especially frequently used. In connection with the theme explored researcher O. Sulaymonov came to the following conclusion: “in “Ta`rikhi Bayhaqi” the usage of such particles, as  “okhir, niz, ham, boz, hatto, digar” is abundantly observed” [9, p.132]. However, in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” the particles okhir, hatto and digar are not encountered at all.

a) Emphasizing participle niz is widely-used in our historical work. According to the statistical method it was observed that the mentioned particle is resorted to 146 times in certain cases, upon the whole. The relevant particle emphasizes the fact that the actions take place one after another and the particle in question accompanies them or participates in belles-lettres creation. It should be noted that the level of usage of niz is not the same in any period of language development. For example, concerning the unit in question Ustod Masumi states: “there is no particle “niz” in the language of “Margi sudkhur” [13, p. 224]: Fozilbiy bo saroni sipohi khud niz muljor bakhsh karda, kal`aro markazvor ihota namudand (11, 283/564).

b) boz: Ruzi digar shujoatosor Doniyolbiyro boz hazor savor az bahoduroni shujoatoyein amr farmud, ki sur`t namuda ba sipohi firistodai sobiq loiq shavand (11, 204/405, 116/229, 146/290, 229/456, 239/476, 259).

c) ham: Noni gandum chun qursi anjum rukh menamud va on ham dar bisoti charkha sifla bud (11, 14/26‚ 2‚ 161/320‚ 291/579).

One of the distinguished peculiarities of the theme canvassed in the corpus of our study is that the izofi letter or the Arabic letter illo=except for (juz, ba juz, magar – A.B.) is used as a particle only in some cases. It serves mainly to overshadow the meaning of probability: Va illo har jam`vu qabilae, ki ba sulhi amiri kabir rizo dihad va az khati kashidai u poi farmonbardori berun nanihad (11, 32/60, 34/64, 100/198); …agar ra`fati shomili komgori gushai amniyatro najviz namoyad, kamoli marhamat ast va illo pa`yei oli har iqtizo farmoyad, bandagonro chora nest (11, 219/435).

Conclusion. In regard to specific peculiarities of particles in our corpus of study one can assert that the relevant part of speech is used less than other ones, the fact proves that it is a product of the new period of language. Commonly, designing on the premise of the adduced result of the analysis beset with particles we can assess them as follows:

1). According to our statistical method it became clear that the negative particle “ne” is resorted to in the work only 5 times and it serves only as a negative element of the sentence.

2). It is worth mentioning that in Muhammadvafoi Karminagi`s historical work frequent affirmative particles of modern Tajik literary language, such as ore, ha, bale, rost, ba rosti and albatta did not appear at all. In addition, the author of the work used “alhaq” as a synonym of “ba rosti and albatta”.

3). Among interrogative particles of modern Tajik literary language only –chi? is used in the corpus of our study once.

4). Coming to guyo as a function of hamono.

Список литературы

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