Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки | Филологический аспект №4 (48) Апрель 2019

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Дата публикации 18.04.2019

Происхождение и развитие счетных слов в древнем китайском языке

Джельдыбаева Р.Б.
к.ф.н., доцент кафедры языков и перевода региона Китая и АТР КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана, Қазахстан, Алматы, nawrao@mail.ru
Турсынали Ж.
к.ф.н., доцент кафедры языков и перевода региона Китая и АТР КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана, Қазахстан, Алматы, jazen_25@hotmail.ru
Жақсылыққызы Қ.
Магистр фил.наук кафедры языков и перевода региона Китая и АТР КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана, Қазахстан, Алматы, karlygashzhaksylykkyzy@gmail.com

Аннотация: В данной статье наряду с историей появления счетных слов и их развития мы так же остановимся на счетных словах, которые часто встречаются в процессе изучения китайского языка. Причиной этому является то, что счетные слова имеют свой путь развития, свою историю. Счетные слова можно так же рассматривать в тесной связи с изменением и развитием китайских иероглифов. Так как китайская культура и ментальная психология расширяют сферу употребления счетных слов, каждое счетное слово при его употреблении остается в тесной связи со своим первоначальным значением, в то время как в речи выражать степень, меру и величину без них не является возможным. Исследование и обобщение возникновения счетных слов и их истории развития играет очень важную роль в преподавании китайского языка.
Ключевые слова: счетные слово, древнекитайский язык, предметное счетное слово, глагольное счетное слово

The origin and development of measure words in ancient Chinese

Jeldybayeva R.B.
Cand. Sci (Philology), аssociate рrofessor of the Department of Languages and Translation of China and the Asia-Pacific region Ablai khan KazUIR&WL, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tursynali J.
Cand. Sci (Philology), аssociate рrofessor of the Department of Languages and Translation of China and the Asia-Pacific region Ablai khan KazUIR&WL, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zhaksylykkyzy K.
Master of Arts of the Department of Languages and Translation of China and the Asia-Pacific region, Ablai khan KazUIR&WL, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Abstract: In this article, along with the history of the emergence of measure words and their development, we also dwell on the measure words that are often encountered in the process of learning Chinese. The reason for this is that the measure words have their own development path, their own history. Measure words can also be considered in close connection with the change and development of Chinese characters. Since Chinese culture and mental psychology expand the sphere of use of measure words, each measure word, when used, remains in close connection with its original meaning, while in speech it is not possible to express a degree, measure and magnitude without them. The study and synthesis of the occurrence of measure words and their developmental history plays a very important role in the teaching of Chinese.
Keywords: measure word, ancient Chinese, subject measure word, verbal measure word

Since the object of the study is the measure words of the Chinese language, which are not related genealogically to the Kazakh language, we decided to use the term “measure word” in this work. The translation of the word 量词 [liang ci] in Chinese is translated as “the measure word” and in the Academic work “Modern Kazakh language” of the People’s Republic of China, published in the city of Urumqi, these words are referred to as “measure words” [2, p. 241].

Measure words in Chinese are considered as a quantitative unit that binds a noun and a numeral. In general, a measure words in lexical meaning means the quantity and magnitude of a specific action or object. A large number of such words, the complexity of the characteristics of their use caused the need to allocate them in a separate part of speech. Today, in Chinese, they are considered as separate parts of speech and in the Kazakh language, this value is not considered as a separate part of speech, although there are quantitative values ​​in it that are equivalent to the countable words of the Chinese language.

Therefore, in Chinese, it will be necessary to disclose the causes and features of such quantitative values, which are considered as an independent part of speech, and to find similar words. Most of the measure words in Chinese appeared through transformation from other parts of speech. Previously, measure words were separate units that were used independently in any meaning in Chinese. After these words were transformed into measure words, on the one hand, they served exclusively as quantitative values, on the other hand, they retained their primary meaning.

In total, this category of words in Chinese can be divided into subject measure words and verb measure words.

The origin and development of subject measure words.

In Chinese we can see substantive measure words in ancient records on the bones 甲骨文 [4, p. 56]. But subject measure words appeared on the basis of the words of everyday objects and the words used in trade. We can examine the measure words used in these records from several sides:

1. Words denoting units of measure and weight, for example: 卯六牢,鬯六卣,亡龙。[Mao liu lao, you liu chang, wang long.] 6 heads and 6 jugs of wine commemorated the departed. 其 礼 新 鬯 二 升 , 一 卣 [Qi li xin you er sheng.] According to custom, one jug of sacrificial wine is equal to 2 sheng.  其礼新鬯二升, 一卣[Qi li xin you er sheng.] Three jugs of wine.

In these examples, chang is a jug with a wine lid. In this context, it refers to the measure of poured wine.牢 lao - used as a measure of the sacrificial cattle over their heads.

2. Measure words expressing a monetary unit, example.: 贝十朋。 [Hua bei shi peng.] 10 pairs of bay. 其 贞 用 三丰。 [Qi zhen yong san feng.] Used 3 fen.

朋 from the first example is used as a measure of the monetary unit. In the Chinese Dictionary: 画贝十朋。 [Hua bei shi peng.]. 2 mei equals to one pair of something. 枚 mei means 贝 bei. Bei is a monetary unit in ancient China, small coins made of shell valves. A 三丰 is used as a unit of such a precious stone as jade.

3. Measure words used when counting people, persons. For example: 御于 何 羌 三十 人  [Yu yu he qiang san shi ren.] 30 people were allotted to protect the lake from Qiang. 羌 百 羌 [Qiang bai qiang.] 100 people Qiang. (Qiang nationality living in China).

The found measure words were also used on the bone inscriptions found. Despite the small amount of their use, the fact that they were used in ancient Chinese speaks about the centuries-old history of using these words. The very first measure words in Chinese had their own characteristics, namely the fact that most of them were transformed from nouns. For example, the character 朋 in the inscriptions on the bones was used as a monetary unit. If we take the objective meaning of the hieroglyph 朋 as a whole, then its pictogram is presented in the form of two precious stones standing next to each other. In other words, it denotes paired objects.

In ancient China, shells and precious stones were used as the currency. Therefore, 朋 peng was at that time used to designate a monetary unit in everyday life and trade exchange. These are measure words that appear from nouns. It was also used to denote the measure of natural species. 羌 百 羌 [qiang bai qiang] 100 people qiang (Qiang nationality in China), 田 十 田 [tian shi tian] first [tian] expresses the subject itself, while the subsequent 田 [tian] his measure. In the value of 1/10 weave. The occurrence of countable words denoting units of measure becomes apparent from now on. For example, the measure word 卣 chang mentioned in the above examples. Words denoting a collective measure: 牢 [lao] head , 吨 [dun] ton.

At the end of the Yin殷代 (公元前1600年 - 公元前1046年) era, instead of the hieroglyph [yu] jade, the hieroglyph [feng] fen was used. The fen used as a unit of measure for a gemstone jade means that it originated from a noun.玉 [yu] and 丰 [feng] in ancient Chinese do not resemble each other. Although the word was separated from the noun, the meaning of objectivity and connection with the noun itself remained in it. The creation of the hieroglyph [feng] as a whole was done by slightly changing the hieroglyph 玉 nephrite. Then the word 丰 [feng] was used to denote the number of people, for example: 五 丰臣 five officials. Here 丰 [feng] is used to express authority and respect for people.

The emergence of some measure words arose from counting the monetary units. Since the monetary unit can sometimes denote the measure of large numbers, sometimes small ones. Since monetary units are used in everyday life relationships, individual units appeared as needed in monetary units. However, in ancient bones the number of measure words are very small, their use is also simple. In the study of ancient Chinese, the measure words were limited to show the quantitative measurement of nouns [1, p. 114].

On iron inscriptions [金文], the use of measure words occurs only as a measure of objects. But in comparison with the records on the bones, their content is more complex, and the quantity is more voluminous. They expressed units of measure, money, capacity, measure.

The measure words on bones are generally equivalent to the  iron entries. In them, the noun itself was used as a measure word, for example: 浮 牛 三百 五十 五牛 [fu niu san bai wu shi wu niu.] 355 cows.羊 廿八 羊 [Yang nian ba yang.] 28 heads of sheep.

One measure word could be used to several nouns.

Measure words were used which are not similar to the noun number of which they denote, for example: the following words were used with the word using [che] machine  [liang], 乘 [cheng]: 浮 车十 两 [fu che shi liang] 12 machines.

In our opinion, in the records during Zhou 周代金文(公元前1046-256) the number of measure words increased, while the measure words were used without the names of the numerals. In the sentence structure, measure words and nouns are used directly in a consistent way. ex.: 匹马 [pi ma] (horse), 束 丝 [shu si] (silk) or 马匹 [ma pi], 丝束 [si shu] and as you can see there are no difference in meaning even there are no numerals before the measure words.

The ancient Chinese language has its own laws of using measure words: the numeral is not used, despite the change in the location of the noun and numeral, the original meaning is preserved, for example, 匹马 [pi ma] horse (pi is the measure word for horses), 马匹 [ma pi].

When examining the measure words in the inscriptions of the era of Zhou, it can be observed that the measure words from the bone and iron records are more saturated and matured.

The development of subject measure words is a particularly complicated process, since the number of units of measure has increased, as well as the number of measure words, in connection with the needs of society. Such measure words appeared as 个 [ge], 口 [kou] 张 [zhang] , 年 [nian] to denote natural and everyday phenomena [5, p. 38].

Measure words in ancient Chinese

In the era of the two Han dynasties 两汉 ( 公元前206-公元前25), the number of measure words increases, and their role and functions are refined. For example: 马 - 匹 for horse [pi], 牛 –for cows 头 [tou], 羊 - 头 for sheep [tou], and these measure words appeared in the Qin era(先秦) while maintaining their properties after the Han dynasty, they developed further. In addition, during this period, a separate measure was used for each item [6, p.55]. For example:

  • Measure words for animals:  匹用于马pi yongyu ma] for horse 匹 pi ;头用于羊 , 牛  [tou yongyu yang, niu] for sheep and cows 头, in this case tou is the head designation, matching with the words " sheep”, “cow”, they began to be used to denote the number of these animals.
  •  In terms of clothing, the number of measure words is divided into several. For clothing in the upper body of a person (shirt, jumper, etc.) the measure word 领 [ling] was used, for the clothes below the belt (socks, pants, etc.) the measure word 两 [liang] was used, and if the clothes covered all the human body, then the measure word 袭 [xi] was used. The notes of the Han era contain a large number of such measure words. In particular, they are often found in historical records.
  • Measure words related to cars:  两 , 剩用于车 [cheng, liang yongyu che]. For vehicles and cars, the measure words liang, cheng, 艘用于船 [ban cheng sou] are used for boats, the measure word sou is used.
  • Measure words for weapons: 张用于弓 [zhang yongyu gong] for bow uses the measure word [zhang],  发用于箭 [fa yongyu jian] 支用于矢 [zhi yongyu shi]] for bow shots, the measure word fa is used, and for Arrows use the measure word zhi.
  • The measure word 双 [shuang] is used for paired things, and for single things, the measure word 只 [zhi] is used.

During the Han epoch, a measure word [mei] appeared depending on the general properties of a living and inanimate object. This word was especially used in relation to animals. 入 狗 一枚 [ru gou yi mei.] One dog came. 太 属 赐 良 馥 鱼白 枚。 [Taishu ci liang fu yu bai mei.] The leader gave a hundred fish. 只 , 鸟 一枚 也。 [Zhi, niao yi mei ye.] Birds one by one....

In the same epoch, the word 枚 [mei] also appears in the Japanese language. This measure word was included in the Japanese language along with a number of words from the ancient Chinese language.

The method of using subject measure words in the Han era compared with the past centuries has become more complicated and followed the structure "numeral + measure word". This shows the increasingly close connection between measure words and nouns. The quantitative and numeral function of measure words is refined, and words with a subject meaning are transformed into words denoting measure, number, and numerals. Measure words have become word formative affixes and suffixes.

In the era of the Qing and the two Han dynasties, substantive measure words did not stop their development and change, but they did not finally stabilize. They can be considered by dividing as follows:

  • Reducing the number of nouns, the method of using numerals has not yet been transformed into a large-scale concrete system;
  • The construction [数词 + 量词] “name and number word” was used before the noun, but if we compare, the use of this construction after the noun is also common.
  • The measure words have not yet reached the level of maturity. There are still measure words in the speech, which have not yet been finally determined and formed.

If we indicate the number of different nouns in one sentence, it can be expressed only by one measure word. For example: 车马 二百五 十五 匹 [che ma er bai wu shi wu pi] Horses and carts are only 255. In this example, the measure word "匹" [pi] was used for both horses and carts. In addition, in one sentence, you can separately use two different measure words that are not similar to each other [匹 pi for a cart , 头 tou for a horse]. For example, 将 万 二千 人 骑 [jiang wan er qian ren qi.] Ten thousand troops, two thousand horses. Here one measure word was used, both for a person and for a cart. Similar examples can be noted that some parts of the measure words are not specified at that time, and these measure words did not comply with the rules for the use of words [7, p.49].

The period of the final formation of subject measure words.

If we consider the era of the two Han development of measure words, the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北 (公元220-581), the measure words came at the peak of their development. During this period, along with the use of numerals and nouns between them, the words bundles are also used. Nevertheless, the use of measure wordsin that era still did not correspond to the principles of their use in modern times. Ex.: 垄种 千 口中 , 泉 连 白 壶酒。 [Long zhong qian kou zhong, quan lian bai hu jiu.] There are a thousand wells on sown land, springs fill hundreds of pots of vodka. 争 攀 四路 花 , 竞 戏 三条术 [zheng pan si lu hua, jing xi san tiao shu.] Flowers bloomed everywhere, showed their three qualities in the fight. 上有两仙童,  。。。与我一丸药 [shang you liang xian tong, yu wo yiwan yao.]. Two angels came down out of the sky and gave me medicine. 田家老母到市买数片以归 [Tian jia lao mu dao shi mai shu pian bing yi gui.] The mother of the Tien dynasty went to the market and bought a few loaves of bread. 秋近百 种 事 , 衣 成 成 未暇薰。 [Qiujin bai zhong shi, yicheng wei xia xun.] Autumn is approaching and there is a lot of work, there is no time to prepare clothes. 支 道 林 常 举 数 匹马 [Zhi dao lin chang ju shu pi ma]. In the forest, several horses are constantly grazing.

As in the examples above, the shaping and use of individual forms of words in this period developed rapidly. Previously, so many special words were not used and such separate measure words could be used only if the numeral and the noun were used together. In case the measure word is not used, there were no changes, no errors in the values ​​of the sentences. Thus, the education system of sentences on the construction of [数次 + 量词 + 名词] (numeral + measure word + noun) of the era of Western and Eastern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581) had a great influence on the grammar of Chinese in the future.

As a result, in Chinese, measure words were formed during the era of records on bones and iron, in the Qin era, they were formed and developed further. And in the era of the two Han, the measure words evolved and reached their form close to modernity. The era of Southern and Northern Wei Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581) is a period of complete formation of measure words. During this period, the sharing of words and numerals was systematized.

The change of measure words in Chinese and the period of development in their use can be seen in the table below. (table 1)

The following patterns were used to denote the number of nouns in ancient Chinese:

1. Model 1: 数词 + 名词 "numeral + noun"

使弈 秋 诲 二 人弈, 其一人专 心致志 ,惟弈秋之为 听。[shi yi qiu hui er ren yi, qi yi  ren zhuan xin zhi zhi, wei yi qiu zhi wei ting.]   one of which was attentive and purposeful, listened attentively to the words of the chess player Tsyun.

2. Model 2: 名词 + 数词 +量词"noun + numeral +measure word"

五于书,读不过三遍,终身不忘。[Wu yu shu, du bu guo san bian, zhong shen bu wang] During the construction of the town, one cow, one sheep, one pig was sacrificed.

The examples above show the first samples that were used to denote the measure of objects. The first is, the “number + item” has been used for a long time. Despite the fact that the second pattern is found, but it is not used as often as the first model. As for the third sample, it is distinguished by a characteristic phrase, and is determined by the first use of phrases for determining the size of objects. The word order of the third sample cannot be used colloquially in modern Chinese. In modern Chinese, the combination "number + measurec word" is used before a noun. For example, in ancient Chinese there is an expression “three horses” 马三 匹 [ma san pi], in modern Chinese it is found in the form 匹马. But if the combination "number + countable word" is after a noun, then it performs the function of definition. One of the theories of modern Chinese grammar is that the definition stands before the determinant.

3. Model 4: 数词 + 量词 + 名词 "numeral + measure word + noun"

房 州 有 导 人 常 戴 三朵 [fang zhou you dao ren chang dai san duo hua] in Fanzhou there is one amazing person who usually carries (with him) three flowers.

Measure action words. When studying an action word in Chinese the following types of models can be presented:

Sample 1: 数词 + 动词 "numeral + verb"

齐人三鼓 [Qi ren san gu ] A man who arrived from the state of Qi triggered the alarm three times.

The above example shows that the measure word before the action performs the function of circumstance.

In the future, to separate and enhance the size of the action, in certain cases, in wenyan, a model was used in the postposition of another sample of a calculating word. In such models, a hieroglyph was used, which served before the number of measures.

In the sentence the part that precedes it substantiates and forces one to perform the functions of the predicate behind it.

Sample 2: 动词 + 数词 + 量词 "verb + numeral + measure word "

五于书,读不过三遍,终身不忘。[Wu yu shu, du bu guo san bian, zhong shen bu wang] I did not read books more than three times to memorize them.

In the example given in the sample, the number and the measure words form the total value of the measurement and perform the function of a compliment of the sentence. In this example, the method of applying the measure word is the same with its use in modern speech.

The aforementioned patterns will help you understand examples that contradict several basic principles that emerged in ancient Chinese.

The numeral is added to the word which is used before the noun, and does not require any other requirements. This is one example of the development of countable words at that time. At the same time, in the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581) new measure words were formed and developed. The influence of this phenomenon on the grammar of subject measure words of modern Chinese was enormous.

As noted earlier, the substantive measure words of the Chinese language having survived several epochs changed or disappeared altogether, while new measure words continuously appeared and developed and introduced into the modern Chinese language [8, p.47].

The stage of the appearance of action words in Chinese is one of the not fully studied questions., Chinese grammar researcher Wang Li wrote in his writings: “before the Tan epoch, the meaning of “two times”, besides using the word “else” was shown by adding the number of actions to the verb” [9, p. 114]. In the study of Wan Li, it can be noted that the measure words of action in Chinese before the Tang era did not exist. Wang Li: “after the Tang epoch can be found in research works, the words 回 [hui], 次 [ci] which signified the action”. From this we observe that the measure words of the action in Chinese appeared in the era of Tang.

Liu Shizhu says: “the measure words of action in Chinese appeared or gradually began to form in the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581). He also says: “Since a new grammatical category has appeared, a new change has occurred in the Chinese grammar system. Previously, only things needed to use measure words and now there is a need to use them to act as well”. [2, p.58]

The fact that in the epoch of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581) the measure words of action in Chinese began to form can be seen from the numerous works of scholars. Using the measure words of the action, we also see the modem from the records of the Chinese era of Qin: 小乐正立于西阶东,乃歌鹿鸣三终 [Xiaole zhen li yu xi jie dong, nai ge lu ming san zhong]..., recited the poem three times by a man. 罗人欲伐之,使伯嘉谍之,三巡数之。[Luoren yu fa zhi, shi bo jia die zhi, san xun shu zhe.] Law's people tried to detain him by sending spies, they counted the army three times.孔子游于匡,宋人围之数匝,而弦歌不辍。 [Kongzi you yu kuang, song ren wei zhi shu za, er xian ge bu chuo.] When Kongzi Kuan went, the people of the Son fortress surrounded him , countless times songs were sung. 工入,升歌三终,主人献之,笙入三终。 主人献之,文革三终。合乐三终,工告乐备。[Gong ru, sheng ge san zhong, zhu ren xian zhi, sheng ru san zhong. Zhu ru xian zhi, wen ge san zhong . he yue san zhong, gong gao yue bei.] Artisans

In example 1 and example 4, the verb meaning of the word 终 zhong" means 终了 zhong liao (end, finish), 结束 jie shu completion. In ancient Chinese, one ending of the performance of musical work was expressed by the combination “一 终 yizhong”, in example 1, “歌 鹿鸣 三 终 nai ge lu ming san zhong” shows “three times reading a poem” “Ge Lu”. And in example 4, “升 歌 三 终 sheng ge san zhong” (read a poem three times), several repetitions and pronunciations of the poem are shown. Based on these examples, people can learn that in ancient Chinese the word "终 zhong" was used to express the quantity.

Furthermore, in modern Chinese this word does not fulfill the role of a measure word, the equivalent of it is the word bian.

In example 2, “三 巡 数 之 san xun shu zhe” to the word “巡 xun” in modern Chinese corresponds to the word “遍 bian”.

In example 3, “围 之 数 匝 wei zhi shu za”, the word “匝 za” in modern Chinese corresponds to the words “遍 bian” and “zhou”.

Another word that is often found in works in ancient Chinese is the measure word of the action “一 成 yi cheng” to hit, strike. The modern Chinese meaning of the word "一 成 yi cheng" means that the action takes place as soon as possible, and stands in the meaning of the phrase "一下 yixia". “一 成 yi cheng” following the phrase “之 ji zhi” becomes the complement (补语), and the action word “击 ji beat, hit” shows the amount and measure of action. Instead of “一 成 yi cheng” used in the example, instead of the word of action, we can use the word “下 xia”. Here he appears not as a verb, but as a new measure word. Along with this, he retained the function of the phrase "下 xia (tүsu, shғuu)" as a verb.

The measure words of the action in the above examples are only a fraction of the measure words of the Qin era. However, in the records of that era, these measure words are not common. And from the given examples we can understand that, in spite of not a large number of them at that time, they were very useful.

The period of development and formation of action words.

The era of the Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南 北 (公元220-581) - the period of formation of account words of the action in Chinese. The role and function of the measure words of the action at that time was the same with their function and role in modern Chinese [3, p.  259].

In the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南 北 (公元220-581), among the types of measure words of an action, many special particles appeared that denote movement. Of all the measure words of the action, we will dwell on a few measure words of their ancient Chinese language.

The word 下 xia is a measure word indicating the transience of the action and its downward direction. For example: 母 乃 仗 祥 背 及 两脚 百余 下。 [Munai zhang xiang bei ji liang jiao bai yuxia]. Mother took a stick in her hands and hit Xiang on the back and legs several times.

武士 以 刀 环 筑 力 力 两 下 [Wu shi yi dao huan zhu li liang xia.] He twisted Ju Li twice with his military sword. 縛 之 著 树 鞭 杖 杖 百余 [Fu zhi zhu shu bian zhang bai yu xia.] Tying to a tree a hundred times. 我共 前人同买于汝 , 云何独 尔。 即 鞭十余下 , 如十五人各打 十 下 [wo gong qianren tongmai yu ru, yunhe du er. jibian shi yu xia, ru shi wu ren ge da shi xia]. Although it hit only four times, it seemed as if five people were beaten 10 times each.

遍 bian means the amount of action from its beginning to the end. Ex.: 但 读 千 遍 , 自得 其 意 [Dandu qian bian, zi de qi yi.]. If you read a thousand times, the meaning will be clear on their own. Ame 千 度 拭 , 梳头 梳头 百遍 [Huamei qian du shi, shu tou bai bian liao.] Traced their eyebrows a thousand times and cut their hair. 玄 谟 始 将 见 见 杀 梦 人 告曰 : 观音 千 遍 则 免。 即 觉 , 诵 值得 值得 千 遍 [Chu xuan mo shi jiang jian sha meng ren gao yue cong guan yin jing qian bian zi mian. Jijue cong zhi de qian bian.] Since he saw the murder in a dream someone said that he could be forgiven if he read the guan-in prayer a thousand times, and after that he read the prayer a thousand times.

过 guo - means the measure of a particular action. Ex.: 香 汤 洗 数十 过。 [Xiang tang xi shu shi guo.] He filled his belly with sweet broth ten times. 以 手 按 按 鼻 之 边 左右 上下 数十 过 [Yi shou an bi zhi bian zuo you shang xia shu shi guo.]. He rubbed his nose several times with his hand.

番 fan -is used for actions that spend a lot of time and effort. No.: 弼 自 为 客 主 主 数 。 [Bi zi wei ke zhu shu fan.] How many times did he happen to receive guests. 初文邵使与南阳宗少文谈系象,王复数番,少文每欲屈 [Chu wen shao shi yu nan yang zong shao wen tan ti xiang, wang fu shu fan, shao wen mei yu qu.] How many times he came and tried to submit to Shauven.

通 tong — denotes the number of hitting. For example, 夜卧觉常更叩齿九通 [ Ye wo jiao chang geng kou chi jiu tong.] During sleep to hit a tooth nine times. 传吏疑其伪乃椎鼓数十通[Chuan li yi qi wei nai zhui gu shu shi tong] Hit a drum band ten times to determine that it is one of them.

回 hui - denotes a measure of action. Ex.: 不复出常戏,跳场生青草,试作两回,提场方就好 [Bu fu chu chang xi, tiao chang sheng qing cao, shi zuo liang, ti chang fang jiu hao.] Since the performance was not a long time, the scene was covered with grass, she recovered when he twice showed the performance

Variable action words.

Variable measure words of action originated in the era of the Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin. Measure action words denoting variable action derived from nouns: 左二物合和更捣三千杵 [Zuo er wu he he geng dao sanqian chu.] Several times he struck with a stick two things lying to the right. 兴祖家饷糜中下药,食两口,便觉。[Xing zu jia xiang mi zhong xia yao, shi liang kou bian jiao] I boiled the medicine and slept in the house of Sinzu.

The wide use of variable measure words of an action is a sign of sufficiently developed measure words of an action. Because special measure words of action appeared only under the influence of the word formation system. If there are no special measure words of an action, then there will be no need to use nouns instead of the measure words of the action in the syntax of the Chinese language. That is, there will not be such a grammatical category as the measure words of an action.

If we consider the measure words of the action with the function they perform, then in general there were no differences between the measure words of the Wei Jin era and modernity. That is, the basis of modern Chinese measure words of the action was laid back in that era. In addition to additions, such words also performed the function of circumstance. 燮一日三度设之. [xie yiri san du she zhi.] Three meals a day should be performed on time.

In the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581), the measure words of an action performed as a adverbial modifier and were special measure words of an action. But we must proceed from the fact that the measure words of action in Chinese were formed and developed precisely in the era of Southern and Northern, Wei, Jin 魏晋南北(公元220-581). But they still had flaws. For example, the words like 吨 , 面 in modern Chinese are often found, and are not separated from the words nouns or verbs. At the same time, it can be said that there are still no differences in the countable words of that era.

After the Tang era, such countable action words as “, 遭 , 场 , 阵” are more commonly used. 三次论争退,其志亦刚强 [san ci lun  jing tui, qi zhi bian gang zhong] Three times (at the front of the war) discussing progress or retreat, made one decision. (张 籍 · 祭 退 之).

家家养鸟鬼,顿顿食黄鱼 [jia jia yang niao gui , dun dun shi huang yu] In each house there are birds, each time fish is eaten. 杜甫·戏作俳谐体遣闷二首). 昨夜三更雨,今朝一阵寒. [zuo ye san geng yu, jin chao yi chen han] Yesterday it rained at midnight and it was cool today(韩渥 · 懒 起).

In the era of Tang action words in Chinese began to be supplemented and widely used in appearance and function.

If we are talking about patterns of development, then in general in Chinese we can divide words into five stages of development:

1. The period when the measure words were not used. During this period, quantitative words are expressed using numerals.

2. The period of the beginning of the emergence of word formations. In this case, the measure words were used very little, and the expression of the value through direct numbers prevails.

3. Growth period of using countable words. During this period, the number of measure words began to increase gradually, but there was no full-fledged application. Therefore, measure words were accompanied by addition through nouns and numerals. Their activity in use was at an acceptable level.

4. The period of formation of words: a sufficient number of measure words appeared, therefore a direct expression of a measure through a number becomes unacceptable, the use of measure words becomes more frequent and began to stabilize.

5. During the full use of measure words, their number reaches a peak of development. The use of measure words has become imperative. The method of expressing measure with direct numerals appears less frequently and has moved from practical language to gradual removal, the use of which was carried out with the purpose of expressing certain conditions in particular or exceptional cases, as a result of which such a method was out of use.

Table 1. Stages of development of measure words in Chinese

Stage of development






Combinations of parts of speech











Measure words


Measure words










Horse five horse


Five five heads


Five heads of horse

Список литературы

1. Old Chinese. Beijing, 1984
2. 刘世 《北晋南北两次研究》,北新书局1965年。
3. Modern Chinese language. Lu Zhyanming, Beijing, 2000. – 415 p.
4. The origin and development of measure words in ancient Chinese. Mei Depin, Beijing, 1990. – 52 p.
5. Verbal measure words in Chinese. Shang Yin, Master work, Beijing, 2003.
6. Research of Chinese grammar. (邵敬敏) Shao Zhingming, Beijing, 2001.
7. 王力《中国语法理论》(上)中华书局1954年版,302
8. l何杰。 现代汉语量词研究。商务印书馆.2000年。

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