Методика преподавания языка | Филологический аспект: Методика преподавания языка и литературы Методика преподавания языка и литературы Апрель-Май 2021, №6 (9)

УДК 81.2

Дата публикации 05.05.2021

Влияние социальных сетей на улучшение навыков английского языка

Нургалиева Ардак Жаксылыковна
ассистент профессора, МОК (КазГАСА), Алматы, Казахстан
Терликбаева Аймира Муратовна
студентка факультета архитектуры, МОК (КазГАСА), Алматы, Казахстан

Аннотация: Без сомнения, появление Интернета и связанного с ним массива социальных сетей привело к экспоненциальному росту новых типов письменной речи: блогов, твитов, сообщений в Facebook и профилей LinkedIn, чтобы назвать некоторые из них. Но, учитывая, что английский является наиболее часто используемым языком в Интернете, как социальные сети изменили английский язык? Нельзя отрицать, что социальные сети оказали значительное влияние на огромное количество людей, с которыми мы теперь можем общаться; это также повлияло на частоту, с которой мы можем общаться с ними. Это привело к тому, что мы познакомились с широким спектром разных личностей, точек зрения и подходов, когда мы используем социальные сети для общения. В этой статье будет изучено различное влияние социальных сетей на улучшение навыков английского языка.
Ключевые слова: социальные сети, Интернет, изучение английского языка, знание английского языка, чтение, аудирование, письмо, чтение, практика

Impact of social media on improving English language skills

Nurgaliyeva Ardak Zhaksylykovna
Assistant Professor, IEC (KazGASA), Almaty, Kazakhstan
Terlikbayeva Aimira Muratovna
Student of Department of Architecture, IEC (KazGASA), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract: Without a doubt, the advent of the internet and the resulting array of social media networks has resulted in an exponential increase in new types of written language: blogs, tweets, Facebook posts, and LinkedIn profiles, to name a few. But, given that English is the most commonly used language on the internet, how has social media changed the English language? There is no denying that social media has had a significant impact on the sheer number of people with whom we are now able to communicate; it has also had an impact on the frequency with which we are able to communicate with them. This has resulted in us being exposed to a wide range of different personalities, perspectives, and approaches when we use social media to communicate. This paper will study the different effects of social media on improving English language skills.
Keywords: social media, internet, English language learning, English language skills, reading, listening, writing, reading, practice

Правильная ссылка на статью
Нургалиева А.Ж., Терликбаева А.М. Влияние социальных сетей на улучшение навыков английского языка // Филологический аспект: международный научно-практический журнал. Сер.: Методика преподавания языка и литературы. 2021. № 06 (09). Режим доступа: https://scipress.ru/fam/articles/vliyanie-sotsialnykh-setej-na-uluchshenie-navykov-anglijskogo-yazyka.html (Дата обращения: 05.05.2021)


Language learning is not only theoretical-based; it is also about practicing. Language skills can be developed through direct practice from daily learning. In addition, both the curriculum and the learning process need to be ICT-based. Nowadays, the advancement in technology facilitates the birth of fast-growing social media applications that are progressively being used by students for social and academic purposes. As a result, in the twenty-first century, the role of the media in the education process cannot be overestimated.

An effective method of learning English

Teaching English as a foreign language necessitates successful approach that can help learners better understand the language. Ideally speaking, teaching students English in the classroom must include not only theoretical understanding but also practices about how to use the language appropriately relevant to the subject being taught. As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that the more students practice the language, the greater they would understand language. Several studies can prove that in the process of learning any language including English “practice makes perfect”.

For instance, giving enough time to practice writing in English would help students become more skilled and knowledgeable in it. Study found that students at Golestan University had developed their writing skills with success after they had been given some time to practice writing a journal. The results of the study indicate that writing the journal has a positive effect on students' grammar and confidence in writing [7].

Research on the impact of using podcasts on developing student listening skills. According to the results of study, the students who are taught to use podcasts received a higher score in listening compared to the students who are taught to use traditional methods of studying [6].

Another research on how the practice of speaking outside the classroom could enhance the ability of third-grade students to communicate in Turkey. The results of the study showed that students with more interactive recordings greatly strengthened their speaking skills. In addition, students also increased their ability to answer the questions more confidently and became more fluent [2].

Reading skills can also be enhanced by getting more practice, as stated in the study that examined the impact of blogging on student reading skills. Based on the results of their research, blogging has been shown to help students develop their reading skills [10].

From the results of conducted studies, it was proven that the most effective method of learning English is through practice. Today it is much easier to catch the attention and interest of students due to the usage of media. Some of the researches above used ICT and media to practice the language, and it was proven that it could be used as an efficient tool in enhancing English skills.

Social media

By using the Internet, anyone can communicate with each other wherever and whenever they want. In addition, it is now becoming easier for people to access the Internet. The Internet can be conveniently accessed from a cell phone. Thus, they no longer need to use another electronic device such as a laptop to access the Internet.

The use of the Internet and social media in the world is dominated by children and teenagers. Social networking is one of the applications most frequently accessed by people, particularly teenagers. By the definition of Sari, it enables users to represent themselves as well as connect, work together, share, communicate with other users and form virtual social bond.

Almost everybody has social media recently. There are numerous types of social media and today each person has at least more than one or two social media since it became a necessity, especially during pandemics.

In line with the advancement of time, social media continues to expand with a variety of facilities and advantages. Social media can be categorized into six forms of media. They're: social networks that have the purpose of socializing and interacting; (Facebook, LinkedIn, myspace, etc.); social media for conversation, chatting (skype, google talk); file-sharing in social media, including photographs or videos (Youtube, Instagram); media for publishing (WordPress, blog, Wikipedia, dig, Wikia); microblogging, a socializing media, but has a range of limitations (twitter); social games, games which can be played together (doof, pogo).

Various types of social media provide different options for internet users depending on their needs. Users can interact orally and in writing, can also communicate directly or indirectly.  Additionally, there is a variety of messages that could be conveyed: text, photo, audio, video, animation, simulation, even interactive multimedia. Some of these contents use foreign language, especially English, which is an international and most popular language.

Efficiency of usage social media for educational purposes

The use of social media on the internet is a form of internet network use. Various forms of social media content and connectivity that transcends geographic borders can be used as learning media for students to practice English. To put it another way, social media can be used to improve English skills. Practicing via social media is convenient, since it can be done anywhere and at any time. The media can interact with people from all over the world, including natives. The media has the benefit of minimizing shyness, such as in verbal contact in English.

Social media can be used to practice English on a regular basis. Some research has been done on the educational approach used in English classes. For example, a research was performed on the efficacy of using a smartphone application built in the cognitive domain to assist students who are having difficulty learning English as a foreign language. The study's findings show that using a smartphone application helps students learn English as a foreign language. While the application has been accepted as a successful method for learning English, it also requires certain changes to make it more adaptable in the eyes of students [3].

The methods used by teachers in Brunei Darussalam to build students' interest in studying English as a foreign language were investigated. Fourth-grade students and English language teachers were the study's subjects. According to the findings, certain techniques are being used, such as the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), music, and media. According to the findings of the survey, 90% of the students acknowledged that the use of ICT and music would aid in the teaching and learning of English. Meanwhile, English language teachers say there is a variety of methods that can be used in the teaching and learning of English, like books, cards and so on [1].

There is a variety of ways to learn English informally. One of the most common methods is to use some English learning resources available on the internet. Slovenian students tend to access English materials online to develop their receptive skills over productive skills, according to research [4].

The certain similar research on the use of social media to aid in the learning of English as a second language. Study was held in Indonesia. The opinions of university students on using social media to learn English were investigated. According to the findings of the study, students have a good attitude and they are able to use social media in writing class. However, there are several issues that could prevent students from using social media, such as big classrooms, a lack of internet experience and a lack of services [1].

Another research looked at how English language teachers could use Facebook to improve the effectiveness of their students' English learning. According to the findings, Facebook can be used to develop writing skills such as consistency, context, transparency, and significance. Furthermore, it can improve fluency, self-confidence, performance, and quality [8].

Another study investigated the effectiveness of using social media to practice English as a foreign language. Its research subjects are four-year students at Jazan University, who are majoring in B.A. in English. The study's findings revealed that using social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and WhatApp) significantly aids the teaching and learning process, which has an effect on students' progress in learning English as a foreign language [9].

In Al Rahedia, Jordan, investigated the impact of a Facebook forum on improving the writing skills of ninth-grade female students. According to the findings of this report, Facebook can be used to encourage students to personally engage and be more excited towards learning their English writing skills [5].

As can be seen from the aforementioned explanation, media plays an important part in teaching and learning process. Students may benefit from the use of media to quickly obtain lessons or information. Furthermore, mastering a foreign language such as English necessitates the use of advertising as a learning medium. When learning a language, the student can understand grammar, memorize new vocabularies and practice pronouncing words correctly, among other things.


As previously mentioned, the challenges of learning a language can be overcome by using a medium known as media. The internet is one of the most widely used media. Many English materials, such as grammar, vocabulary and idioms, are available on the internet for students.

Since it is so easy to reach via cell phone, the internet, including social media, should be used well and wisely. The internet can be used in the learning process, when someone is learning English.

Students in the millennial era are strongly intertwined to the advancement of information and technology. In this case, social media may be a powerful tool for educational advancement, especially in terms of developing English language skills.

Список литературы

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2. Buckingham, L., dan Alpaslan, R.S. Promoting Speaking Proficiency and Willingness to Communicate in Turkish Young Learners of English through Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Practice. - 2017.
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4. Jurkovic, V. Online Informal Learning of English Through Smartphones in Slovenia. - 2019.
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7. Rokni, S.J.A. dan Seifi, A. The Effect of Dialog Journal Writing on EFL Learners’ Grammar Knowlegde. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. - 2013.
8. Sakkir, G., Rahman, Q., dan Salija, K. Students’ Perception on Social Media in Writing Class at STKIP Muhammadiyah Rappang, Indonesia. International Journal of English Linguistic. - 2016.
9. Sirivedin, P., Soopunyo, W., Sriruantang, S., dan Wongsothorn A. Effects of Facebook Usage on English Learning Behavior of Thai English Teachers. Kasertsart Journal of Social Sciences. - 2018.
10. Samareh, M. dan Langroudi, J. Reading Comprehension: Blog Exposure in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Context in Iran, Translation Journal. - 2018.

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