Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) | Мир педагогики и психологии №4(21) Апрель, 2018

УДК 372.881.111.1

Дата публикации 29.04.2018

Обучение иностранному языку использованием компьютерных технологий.

Анюшенкова Ольга Николаевна
старший преподаватель, Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, onanyushenkova@fa.ru

Аннотация: В этой статье рассматривается проблема использования различных компьютерных программ в обучении иностранным языкам. Автор приходит к выводу, что применение компьютерных программ в изучении иностранного языка дает отличные результаты для развития самостоятельной работы студентов: рецензирование сложных материалов, самоконтроль, тестирование. Используя компьютерные программы, обучающийся сокращает время на преодоление языкового барьера. Благодаря программам формируется и совершенствуется словарный запас и грамматические конструкции. Не стоит забывать и о привлекательности использования компьютерных программ. Это создает положительный эмоциональный настрой. Это также облегчает процесс понимания и усвоения иностранной речи. Это обеспечивает мотивацию к успеху в изучении иностранных языков.
Ключевые слова: информационные и коммуникационные технологии, инновации, самоконтроль, языковой барьер, окружающая среда, компоненты, навыки иностранного языка, мультимедиа

Teaching a foreign language using computer assisted technology

Anyushenkova Olga Nikolayevna
senior lecturer, Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract: This article discusses the problem of using various computer programs in teaching foreign languages. The author comes to the conclusion that the use of computer programs in the study of a foreign language provides excellent results for the development of independent work of students: peer review of complex materials, self-monitoring, testing. Using computer programs, the learner shortens the time to overcome the language barrier. Thanks to the programs, vocabulary and grammatical constructions are formed and improved. Do not forget about the attractiveness of the use of computer programs: This creates a psychological atmosphere, a positive emotional mood. This also facilitates the process of understanding and assimilating foreign speech. This provides a motivation for success in learning foreign languages.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, innovation, self-control, the language barrier, environment, components, foreign language skills, multi-media

Today, the use of computers in the teaching and learning of foreign languages is considered as an innovative approach to learning.

This can be explained by the fact that computer assisted technology helps us to create a new system of education. The use of computers for different  training activities, still belongs to the group of "technical innovation". Increasing computer database, gives us the opportunity  to quickly process large amounts of data, apply new teaching approaches.

The process of perception becomes more open  to motivate students.

Practice proves that the use of various computer programs in teaching foreign languages gives excellent results for the development of students' independent work: reviewing difficult materials, self-control, testing.

Using computer programs, the learner automatically reduces   time to overcome the language barrier. This is very important nowadays, as learning a foreign language, the learner faces a number of problems that impede the understanding of the language and assimilation of information.

Thanks to  computer programs, the vocabulary and grammatical constructions are formed and improved. Do not forget about the attractiveness use of computer programs: various images, music - all this helps to immerse deeper in the cultural and social environment of a new language. Computer programs create a psychological atmosphere of a positive emotional mood, facilitate the process of understanding and assimilating foreign speech; ensure the motivation for success in learning foreign languages. S.Bax suggested that there was a move towards a time when in the Integrated paradigm, we would not view technological use as anything but a regular part of the world of teaching. Digital technologies would go as unremarked as the coursebook or the whiteboard (non-interactive) [1, p.1–15].

It is very important to teach students how to combine knowledge of the computer and  the ability to use them for self-learning.

Modern society needs excellent professionals familiar with modern technical devices and  having knowledge of foreign language at the level of professional communication.  All this can be achieved using traditional methods of organizing educational activities, such as: conversations, explanations and group-work.

At the present stage, information and communication technologies are one of the newest and most promising tools for improving educational activities.
A distinctive feature of the use of computers in the learning process is the theoretical, psychological and pedagogical understanding of computer assisted training, and the development of various training programs.

But on the other hand, we see the growth of various computer training programs, but on the other hand, we are not given enough theoretical development of this issue.

It is known that foreign speech is remembered better, when media modules are used. Using the latest information and communication technologies to achieve the greatest effect in developing foreign language skills, it is necessary to include assignments and exercises that include multimedia modules.

 CMC  (Computer Mediated   Communication)   technologies,   such   as   teleconferencing, email, blogs, wikis, instant messaging, chat, which creates autonomous learning environments. In this context “the different curricular roles for technologies  can  be  described  as  blended  (i.e.  using  technologies  as  a supplement to classroom instruction), hybrid (i.e. providing instruction both in class and on line), and completely online language learning” [2, p. 712-715].   

Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is the type of technology enhanced learning ‘has evolved from a simple voice device to a multimedia communications tool capable of downloading and uploading text, data, audio, and video – from text messages to social network updates to breaking news, the latest hit song, or the latest viral video’ and that it can also ‘be used as a wallet, a compass, or a television, as well as an alarm clock, calculator, address book, newspaper, and camera.’ [4, c.11]

Multimedia is the use of computers to present text, animation, video, graphics and sound in an integrated way.   Multimedia  is  composed  of  various  components:  text,  graphics,  animation,  sound,  and  video.  These  components can contribute differentially to the learning of material. [7, c. 1]

Text  is the key  element  in  all  multimedia  applications.  It  conveys  most  information. In order to catch the learner’s attention, teachers can use different font size, color, and style to present information; emphasize a certain word or phrase.

 Graphics refers  to  images  and  pictures,  such  as  chart,  diagram,  and  photograph. It plays a very important role in language teaching process. Graphics  can  stimulate  interesting and motivation, improve understanding ability of language, and offer especial reference object and topic.

Animation  is  the  rapid  display  of  a  sequence  of  images  of  2-D  or  3-D  artwork  or  model  positions in order to create an illusion of movement. Assisted  by  the  use  of  animation,  teachers  can  highlight key knowledge points and heighten students’ motivation.  [7, c.143]

Sound is  speech,  music,  or  any  other  sound  that  is  stored  and  produced  by  computers.  Teachers  can  use  more  vivid  and  fruitful  sound  to  help  students’  English learning.

Video is the visible part of a television transmission and broadcasts visual images of stationary or moving objects. Compared with animation, video can offer more vivid information. But it will consume more storage  space than animation. .  [7, c.165]

Blackboard (http://www.blackboard.com/) is a Web-based course management program that offers myriad tools for supporting, managing, and evaluating learning. Files of course content can be uploaded for student viewing or retrieval, student work and homework for each lesson can be organized in the assignments folder, class discussion can take place in the discussion boards or chat rooms, and grades can be posted and viewed in the grading section.

With the help of multi-media,  all the tasks: writing, reading, listening, or speaking will be creatively transformed by the students in oral speech and fixed by work on the computer.

First of all, when teaching a foreign language at the present stage, the main thing is learning rules of speech behavior and activities in certain types of communicative situations.

Therefore, first of all, students face the task of acquainting themselves with the history, culture, customs and traditions of the country they are studying. It is important to organize intercultural trainings with intercultural themes to introduce students to representatives of other cultures. Special opportunities for the organization of intercultural trainings are provided by means of telecommunication technologies, where the Internet occupies a dominant position.

It is worth noting that the Internet is both a complex technical system and a socio-cultural entity that affects the worldview of all its participants. And therefore, in order to avoid language conflicts, first of all it is necessary to overcome the "language barrier", which inhibits understanding of foreign speech and does not allow   the opportunity for students to communicate with each other fully.

Recently, in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, much attention is paid to the problem of authenticity. In the linguistic sense, such texts are characterized by a set of peculiar vocabulary. In the psychological aspect, in such texts, the active (impelling) side of the speaking structure is reflected. These materials encourage students to study foreign languages with great interest, which is a great incentive for learning.

In conclusion, it can be said that innovative processes in vocational education are a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Many works of domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to its study.  Highlighting the general approach, it can be noted that innovative pedagogical activity represents a very complicated process, where   the teacher is the central figure. He or she  is not a simple observer. Carrying out language classes in  a computer class, with using computer programs, the teacher should prepare the prerequisites to achieve the desired results.

Summing up, it is necessary to say that the incorporation of technology into teaching pedagogy means that students will develop digital literacy skills at the same time as acquiring a foreign language. It can be argued that because ‘the ever expanding connectivity of digital technology is recasting social arrangements and relations in a more open, democratic and ultimately empowering manner’ [6, c.2].    

As ‘in everyday and professional life, people need the skills of electronic literacy and teaching our students language in its traditional media is no longer enough’ [3, c.9]. Clearly, because ‘learning and literacy are changing radically in the internet age,…. so, a place must be found for digitalliteracy in education. ’ [5, c.15].

In conclusion I would like to emphasize that innovative processes in the system of teaching foreign languages are a mechanism of self-organization and development system of education.

On the one hand, their appearance is a reaction to a rapid change in the social environment, and on the other hand, these are internal processes that are directed at the establishment of greater compliance with the needs of the modern labor market and the improvement of the education system.

Список литературы

1. Bax, S. Normalisation revisited: The effective use of technology in language education. IJCALLT 1/2: – 2011 p.15.
2. Blake R. J. Technologies for language learning // Routhledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning / ed. by M. Byram and A. Hu. – London–N.Y.: Routledge, 2013. – p. 715.
3. Healey, D, Smith, EH, Hubbard, P, Ioannou-Georgiou, S, Kessler, G and Ware, P TESOL technology standards. Alexandria: TESOL. – 2011.
4. Kelly, T and Minges, M. Maximizing mobile, information and communications for development. – 2012.
5. Richardson, W. Why school? New York: TED Conferences. – 2012.
6. Selwyn, N. Education in a digital world: Global perspectives on technology and education. London: Routledge. – 2013.
7. Vanghan, T. Multimrdia: Making it work (8th ed.). Beijing: QingHua University Publishing House. – 2004.

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