Экономика и управление народным хозяйством | Экономика и общество №2 (5), 2018

УДК 338.12

Дата публикации 05.04.2018

Efficient use of land resources in agriculture

Машарипова Махбуба Машрабовна
старший препадователь кафедры «Экономическая теория» Ферганского государственного университета

Эффективное использование земельных ресурсов в сельском хозяйстве

Masharipova Mahbuba Mashrabovna
Fergana State University, "Economic theory" senior lecturer of the department, mahbuba0123@mail.ru

Abstract: The article deals with the role of land in the agricultural economy, the role of land and the principles of evaluation of its efficiency, the economic essence of land use and the factors affecting the economic efficiency of the land. The author visually depicts the economic essence of agriculture. Also, the necessity of effective use of existing irrigated lands in agriculture is scientifically justified, taking into account that climatic conditions in Uzbekistan require development mainly in irrigated agriculture. In addition, using a variety of methods to influence the soil as irrigation and melting, fertilization, soil cultivation, it is possible to increase the production of agricultural products, including livestock, and the economic efficiency of the land will be increased as the main production tool in agriculture.
Keywords: strategy, land productivity, productivity, bonitet, resource, constraint, feature

Introduction. Currently, the country is increasingly satisfying the needs of the country's foodstuffs and continuously providing the domestic consumer market with barren and juicy agricultural products. In this regard, the following major areas of government support for agricultural producers are to be strengthened, including: the role of individual producers in the development of agricultural production; protection of their rights and obligations; providing practical assistance to peasants and farmers for their effective operation; supporting the economic foundations of small and private businesses; Increasing the living standards of the population and turning them into an important factor of economic growth; Further filling of consumer markets with agricultural products and wholesale trade; Increasing import substitution in the regions of the country.

In the development of the agricultural development plan of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the agrarian industrial sector, first of all it is to determine the needs and needs of agricultural production and, in the context of fulfillment of the tasks outlined in the "Strategy for Action in the five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" [1] the development of agriculture and effective use of existing land.

Literature review.The basis of life and activity of the people is the source of the wealth of society, the basis of the agricultural production. Our country is rich in natural resources: it has large reserves of mineral resources, freshwater and other resources, most important of which are land resources, especially irrigated lands. It should be borne in mind that land is limited resources, it is required to use it effectively and to continually improve its meliorative status.
Critical analysis of thematic literature. A wide range of issues on the rational and efficient use of land from the Commonwealth of Independent States Artemenko VV, Varlamov II, Volkov SN, Degtyarev I.I. Gendelmen M.A., Semin.L.S. and. others Direct access to irrigated land including Uzbekistan's land quality, land funds and utilization is provided by A.Abdugangiev, A.M.Abdurazzoqov, A.Davidov, B.V.Gorbunov, G.M. Konobeeva [3] , O.Robojonov, Q.R.Rahmanov, A. Jafarov [4] are important theoretical basis.

Nevertheless, the relationships between factors affecting the effective use of land in the context of different property-based economic reforms, as well as the issues of increasing land-efficient and efficient use of land, are not sufficiently reflected in the scientific literature.

Analysis and results. Land Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan 44.5 mill. Of which 57.3% - 25.5 million hectares. Hectare is allocated for agricultural land. Climate conditions require that agriculture in our country develop primarily in irrigated agriculture. Given the limited water resources, it is possible to understand how high the cost of irrigated lands. This, in turn, indicates the need for efficient use of existing irrigated lands in agriculture. The land is characteristic of other sources of production. The essence of the earth is not the same as in all areas. For example, manufacturing is only a hole in the industry. Humanity uses earth as a storehouse of minerals.  

The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates the use and protection of land and other natural resources as the basis of the life and activity of the population living in the same area. In the structure of natural resources the land provides their territorial, economic and ecological interrelations and relationships. The legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates the payment of land tax and leasehold fees for the use of land and other natural resources.

As a result of the differences in geographical location and natural productivity of lands, it is assumed that as much as possible, the full range of land acquisition in the agricultural land. In addition, the low productivity of the natural pastures in desert and desert regions, the low level of irrigated land use, soil erosion, and other soil fertility, indicate the urgency of the effective use of land resources.

The essence, essence and essence of land use efficiency, as shown in the summary analysis, is primarily a complex of economical and, secondly, both content and structural, combining interconnected forms of efficiency, each of which has its essence. Thus, a special system is required for the study of the nature of the land productivity, and the effectiveness of the use of agricultural land should be based on the following principles:

Coverage of all agricultural land during the evaluation process;

- Unity of methodology of assessment of land use efficiency;

- Evaluating the efficiency of a particular type of land use;

- Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of pasture earnings;

- Applying accurate cadastral information for evaluation;

- Computerization of land use efficiency assessment (creation of databases, creation of electronic digital map based on quality of agricultural lands). The role of agricultural activity plays a special role in determining the economic effectiveness of the land. Of course, land acquisition plays an important role. This is especially possible nowadays in the consistent implementation of economic reforms, including the modernization of the economy in the context of new technical and technological equipping of legal, technical, socio-economic, organizational and economic issues of land management. Among these issues, economic issues are the major ones that explain the nature of land development. It should be noted that the economic essence of land use is reflected not only by one factor, but also by a number of economic factors. In our view, it is desirable to disclose the economic significance of land use through the relationship of the factors outlined in Figure 1.

Source: author's development

Fig.-1. The economic essence of land formation.

The picture is based on the following: First of all, land use is a component of social production in a broad sense, which is a socioeconomic process of placement of the means of production, which is indivisible to the land, and of the territory. It follows that it is under the influence of economic laws (value law, proportional development law, time saving law, etc.), which are constantly linked and objectively influenced by the level of development of production relations and production capacities.

Second, it is known that the development laws of the society are influenced by their interests, not directly with people. Therefore, land use has a status of state and is exercised by the state in the interests of the citizens under the supervision of executive and legislative authorities. In the system of political, industrial, social and economic interests, economic interests are of priority. Therefore, the tasks of land use are always to divide the land from the one hand to ensure the unity of society, individual communities and citizens' economic interests, and secondly, to build. Land use has always been at the forefront of political struggle as a mechanism for its distribution and use.

The importance of the land in the mining industry is quite high, which serves as a place of labor and a task force with coal, ore, gas, oil and other mineral resources.

The agricultural production process depends directly on soil fertility, soil quality and usage conditions. In order to improve productivity, humans have a variety of ways to influence the soil: they perform irrigation and melting, fertilizer, process soil. As a result, the production of farming products, including livestock, will increase, and the economic efficiency of the land will be increased as the main production tool in agriculture.

In this regard, a number of positive work is carried out in the Republic, including the Strategy for the Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2017-2021 to improve land productivity and to ensure efficient water management:

- Reducing cotton and wheat grains, further optimization of crop areas, placement of potatoes, vegetables, oilseed crops, as well as new intensive gardens and vineyards;
- Improvement of reclamation status of irrigated lands, development of a network of meliorative and irrigation facilities, introduction of intensive methods in the field of agricultural production, first of all, introduction of savvy agriculture and resource-saving agricultural machinery;

- Global climate change and the drainage of the Aral Sea have identified systemic measures to mitigate the negative impact of agricultural development on the population's livelihoods.
Implementation of such measures will increase the welfare of the population, further enhance the food security of the country, increase the production of ecologically clean products, and significantly increase the export potential of the agricultural sector.
Discussion of research results. Based on the findings of the research, it should be noted that effective use of land and water resources in the country is primarily accomplished by the task of protecting the social population (new residential and industrial, transport, communication, defense and other purposes); the protection of nature (through the expansion of the forestry enterprises) through the expansion of land areas for recreational and recreational purposes (building recreational facilities and historical cultural significance for raising the spiritual culture).

Conclusions and recommendations. In general, as mentioned above, the main component of the state land cadastre - soil valuation is of great importance in solving the problem of land use. For example, the land taxation document, as part of the state land cadastre, determines the amount of land tax, the planning of crop yields, the grounds for allocating land for non-agricultural purposes, identifying the normative values ​​of land parcels for farmers and other agricultural producers, Encourage the effective and rational use of land and, when used for the purposes other than land parcels, is immune from being used, and inefficient use of the right to cancel the application of sanctions and fines, and the degradation of resources and pollution of the soil, soil fertility, improve and restore such purposes.

Список литературы

1. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy for Action for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. UP-4947.
2. Davidov AM "Land Funds and Use in the Republic of Uzbekistan". Tashkent, 1991.
3. Abduganiev, A.A. Problems of increasing the economic efficiency of the use of saline irrigated lands in Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: Fan, 1980. - 72 p.
4.Gorbunov B.V., Konobeeva G.M. «The value of the humus of Uzbekistan and its value». Tashkent, 1995.
5. Bobojonov O.R., Rahmonov QR, Gafirov A.J. Land Cadastre.-T .: "Chulpon", 2002-160 b.

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